

  • Homemade carrot and parsnip soup and a crumpet, woop
  • Definately a preference thing! I tried eating a 5/6 meals a day and got too excited haha and for me it messed up my eating plan and did nothing. I ended up eating more than I usually would. By nature, I am a three meals girl, I will have a good breakfast around eightish, nice lunch around half twelve/one and a pleasant…
  • Haha seriously I had the same problem, in fact I posted this same thing not long ago! I had a knee injury a few weeks ago and yesterday was my first chance to exercise. Previous to this I ate around 1000 calories as I wasn't burning or working out so didnt feel i needed more. Right, being a sporty creature, I would…
  • Cycling! I have this thing with running, its ok and I will do it but I absolutely just love cycling; for me, its less boring. I love the fact you work your legs like crazy (my problemist of problem areas) and at the same time get fresh air and enjoy your surroundings. If its cold, I will put on an exercise dvd, I have this…
  • Similarly Greek yogurt, dates and honey. SO so good! Other favourites have to be creme brulee, sticky toffee pudding and anything with chocolate!
  • Name/ real name: Leighanna Goal weight on January 31: 10.9 1/1: 11.3 1/7: 11.0 1/14: 10.12 1/21: 1/28: 1/31:
  • Not shying away from photos! The clothes, I'm going to buy a really nice size 8 dress, and have it as a constant reminder, and i won't have to hide a belly under it! Summer I hope to have lost most if not all the weight and wear a nice bikini. MOST of all, not get that 'right if i was trimmer i'd buy/wear that' or 'if i…
  • Yesss! Sounds good to me, I know I'll dedicate Valentines day to my guy so I'd like to lose the 8lbs before it so I feel better about ME! Current weight: 154lbs / 70kg height: 5ft 5 Age: 18 Location: East Midlands Happy for VDC requests! :)
  • YES. When I was younger (5-13) I was a gymnast so I always had chunky CHUNKY legs, my thighs were huge (and even worse now)! I was quite wide built haha and medium weight (but I wasnt that big!!), I then had a growth spurt and couldn't do gymnastics anymore and I was so sad leaving all my 5ft 90lbs friends. Thats when it…
  • My sister and me are six years apart and I'd always been the 'thinner' one I guess, always around two stones lighter than her. She had a beautiful baby girl in December 2010, and in the last year lost just over 4 stone/60 pounds and at present is even lighter (by two stone) than she was pre-pregnancy. We went to a family…
  • It's my first day but I feel up for it, I need some motivation and help if I am to succeed ! 5 pounds would be great in the first month, just under 1/5 of my total weight i want to lose !
  • Burpees are the worst! But I will try, I have an hour free to kill so it will be shocking if i cannot do it with lots of breaks.