lyttmab Member


  • Thanks Lynne! No need to thank me, yet! LOL! Hopefully I will serve you all accordingly.Let me know if I can ever be of service to any of you. I am here to help! And a special thank you to Lynne for coordinating all of this group. You have done a wonderful job. I know it's not easy but it's much appreciated! Don't forget…
  • This is my go-to green smoothie: Spinach - Fresh, Raw, 1 cup chopped Kale - Fresh Raw, 1 cup chopped 2% Plain Greek Yogurt, 3.5 oz Natural - Creamy Peanut Butter, 2 Tbsp Flaxseed Meal, 1 tbsp Almond Milk Unsweetened, 1/2 cup 1 Medium soft Banana Ice Cubes I always blend the almond milk, spinach and kale first to make sure…
  • Jon Bonham, Zeppelin Keith Moon, The Who (what a loss!) Neil Peart, Rush Stewart Copeland (influenced by Jazz more than Rock), The Police Michael Shrieve, Santana (the Highlight of Woodstock was his 10 minute drum solo) and honorable mention - Buddy Rich - although he was more Jazz, he played with some of the greats (L.…
  • I totally want to try it. I think it would be a blast! I see them along the beach path. I think you can rent them down there. I don't think I'd ever buy one, but it would be fun to try sometime!
  • OMG! I cannot believe it - I honestly thought you were joking at first. YIKES! Where do ya' empty the thing? Can you imagaine?! I thought the vacuum was bad . . . WOW!
  • Thanks, Cynthiapick! I know it's not an easy job, and time consuming! It is much appreciated from here! If I can help in any way, let me know! Thanks again! Blessings - jean ❣シ
  • I am a "closet eater". I do exactly what you describe. I actually wrote a blog about it not too long ago, feel free to read it, The reason I wrote the blog was that my friends on here were asking why my diary is private. I explained to them that I would not be honest if it was open…
  • Unfortunately I could only view Poodle's, since the other two were private. We can still pray for those with private profiles . . . but it would be helpful, and much more personal, if we were able to see them. Just a thought . . .
  • Observations: John's message was preliminary and preparatory. John was preparing the way for Jesus, with his preliminary message of the "One who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie." "Make straight the way of the Lord." John knew what his job was, and he did it. Herod of course was…
    in July 3 Comment by lyttmab July 2013
  • I love it! Plus, it will help us get to know one another a little better. Thank you! Great suggestion!
  • Wow, I'm sorry to hear that! I am definitely interested. Any format is fine with me. Let me know if you need help. jean
  • I can't wait to try it! Sounds fun! Thanks!
  • If you can go just a few more days, I promise the cravings DO go away. I was a person that had bread at EVERY Meal and inbetween. It's amazing, I thought I could never do this way of eating, but I did. Your body has to go through a type of withdrawal, if you will, and when it get's used to not having all those unhealthy…
  • Me too - I have done low carb for a couple of years, although just joined here in January. I would be happy to help. The only exception is if I get a job - but I've been unemployed for 2 years, so it's not looing good right now . . . let me know if you need some assistance. Jean
  • Sarah- I'm sure your doctor told you this, but most anti-depressents don't start working until you've taken them for 4-6 weeks. I've been on several different ones. Unfortunately what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. The important thing is to find a good psych. and have that person work with you. Often…
  • 47 But Jesus knew their thoughts, so he brought a little child to his side. 48 Then he said to them, “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me also welcomes my Father who sent me. Whoever is the least among you is the greatest.” I LOVE THESE VERSES!! I love how Jesus…
    in DAY 4 Comment by lyttmab June 2013
  • WOW, what an inspirtional story. You never know, your mother may have saved that nurse . . . I find myself struggling with the "worldly" side of these passages. I often find myself far to attached to my "things" and it is a constant struggle to remind myself that those things are all temporary, but my soul is forever. My…
    in DAY 3 Comment by lyttmab June 2013
  • AGREE! My sister and her family is on Paleo . . . and that is the ONLY healthy way to eat if you listen to her. Granted it has helped some of her health problems, but there are other ways to lose weight. When my nephews come over (her sons), they go through an entire loaf of bread, block of cheese and drink milk all day!…
  • The (Drunk) Gambler
  • I want an "Ophidion"! What a sweetheart! You two are darling! I sent her a PM. Hope you two have a PARTY like NO OTHER! Sounds like you're both lucky to have each other! p.s. you got any older brothers?? :wink:
  • So true!!! Love this!
  • I am a 4th generation LA native. And I can honestly tell you, absolutely it is NOT like that. Could you have been looking for that? Yes, if you look for it, it's easy to find. BUT you go a mile or two and see streets of homelessness; few blocks over, tons of hispanic mamas and their babies in the front yard; a few blocks…
  • I'm sorry, did I miss something? I didn't read where she asked for someone to blow smoke up her *kitten* . . .
  • I agree, I'm confused as well! Maybe you should eat somewhere else . . . and ignore the negative comments from some of the others on here. Some did not read your post carefully enough . . . why people come on here and judge, I will never know. I thought this site was to help! not up one on a fellow MFP member. I will never…
  • Don't apologize. Unnecessary comments never need an apology. Thanks for the recipe! I love smoothies for breakfast, too. The OP would have been more helpful had she explained her reason for the low/no carb request. We are all guessing and only trying to help on here. . . Thanks, I'm going to try this tomorrow! Ever tried…
  • Wow, was that really necessary? She also said, besides "eggs".
  • First let me say I am so sorry you are going through this, you were disrespected, lied to by a person you love, and you are obviously struggling. With that said, I think you already know what you should do or you would never have posted the question. The fact that you are looking over your shoulder now, says it all. Once…
  • I keep mine closed. I put lots of notes in that are very personal and I have always been a "closet eater" so for me to be completely honest and track everything I eat, I have to keep it private. I would be completely dishonest if I made it public, because I still have the "abused child syndrome" and feel I'm being judged…
  • AWE, what a nice memory! Be sure to do that with your grandchildren. It will be a lifetime memory, just as yours is of your grandfather.
  • find out if he's rich