Antidepressants & Weight loss



  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238

    On top of the anti-depressants I have been having my thyroid tested since I was 8 and have yet to get out of the "grey area" - according to my doctors. I will be getting tested again in the next week. I'm sure that has A LOT to do with my lack of energy but at this point there doesn't seem to be anything more I can do.

    While I was reading your post, I started to wonder if there wasn't a thyroid issue somewhere in there. If you need help interpreting your blood work, there's a great hypo/hyperthyroid group on here that can steer you in the right direction. I was off and on anxiety meds for years before I realized I had a problem with my thyroid. Treating it has made a huge difference and I am no longer on the anxiety meds.
    Whichever med or path of treatment you choose, I hope you find something that truly works for you.
    I have been on treatment for Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety for 4 years. I work out 7 days a week, eat an appropriate diet, and have a really hard time loosing weight. I gained significantly over a short period of time with several medications, and haven't been able to get back to pre-depression weight.
    I take mutliple include those for other conditions. If you read the research, it makes since that what we experience is true...but still get the negative bias from providers on this subject.
    I have to say that exercise does better for me than diet. With dieting I even did the Medifast plan, only lost 10 pounds in inital 800 calorie ketosis phase...then when bumped into maintenance 1200-1500 calories (gross...not net), gained 15 pounds. The low carbs lowers your mood...but exercise picks you up...also helps with chronic pain.
    I'm glad AMA classifed obesity a disease...maybe better research and understanding will come along. Wasn't too long ago depression was just "in our heads". Now we know it is a whole body disease...
    I would be happy to be added to this topic
    Don't worry....there are many of us in the same boat :flowerforyou:
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    I just commented on a similar post this very morning!

    Chin up!
  • mcgeorge5
    mcgeorge5 Posts: 92 Member
    I have taken Abilify before and my weight went up 20 pounds in a matter of months just after I started taking it. I do not take it any more.
  • Shelleyannrn
    Shelleyannrn Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on Welbutrin for years. Started to quit smoking and was so impressed by the antidepressant side-effects I stayed on it. I find it really works for the depression. Figured I didn't need them, a while back so weaned myself off. a while later I realized just how well they were working when I spiraled down again. As for the weight loss, I'd like to say they did nothing for me as I kept gaining and gaining, but I think that was more my sedentary lifestyle and my eat what I want when I want diet, which I can guarantee you did not include salads and were not portion controlled. I have lost 58 pounds since Jan 28 and feel great.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    I'd say you need to discuss with doctor but my experience is many of these drugs cause or at least make it difficult to lose weight. Several years ago, I was prescribed clonazapam for panic attacks. Found myself putting on 1-2 pounds weekly, even with exercise. Fortunately, the source of my panic attacks was identified and I was taken off the med.....result was weight loss at about same rate
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have been on Celexa for over a year and have had no problem with weight loss as a result. But because of another side effect, which involves my libido, my Dr. decided to take me off it and put me on Welbutrin, which he says has no effect on libido. We'll see if I have any other problems.
  • I take Wellbutrin for a combo of depression and add. It actually causes a little weight loss at first. Definitely not the traditional antidepressant for that reason, talk to your doc about it, it works great for me, for everything.
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    I've been on Paxil and Zoloft and didn't notice any weight changes. Zoloft made me feel too deadened though. I tried Wellbutrin and didn't care for it. I was ... Randy... Lets just say. But apart from that it didn't help my depression or other symptoms. I'm now on Viibryd but I'm not sure if its preventing me from losing. I am thinking of taking the dosage down or adding something else ! Hope this helps!
  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    Brilliant topic. Thanks! While medications haven't been my obstacle to weight loss, I definitely think depression has led to a lack of motivation to exercise and definitely sparks some "comfort eating."
  • ggbeck
    ggbeck Posts: 2
    Good Luck and keep them toes moving and eat heathy. It will seriously make you feel a lot differently when you start noticing changes within yourself. xx
  • JenniNBond
    JenniNBond Posts: 17 Member
    I used Chantix to quit smoking a few years ago and went on a downward spiral fast ... since then I have been on Wellbutrin, and I'm scared to stop taking it because I NEVER want to feel that way again!!:noway:

    The crazy part about energy is, the more you are up and moving around, the more energy you will have. Working out actually gives you energy and helps you sleep better. Exercise is a natural anti-depressant :happy:
  • lyttmab
    lyttmab Posts: 87 Member
    Sarah- I'm sure your doctor told you this, but most anti-depressents don't start working until you've taken them for 4-6 weeks. I've been on several different ones. Unfortunately what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. The important thing is to find a good psych. and have that person work with you. Often it takes a "cocktail" of more than one med.

    Right now I am on Effexor and Wellbutrin but it isn't really working for me. I think I've been on it too long. I've taken Paxil, Prozac, Celexa, . . . many others. I have been diagnosed with OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder) which is different than the general OCD most folks have.

    I think, often depression and weight gain go hand in hand so I don't know that the meds are what put the weight on me or not. I think it was poor eating habits. And, while some are for anxiety, some are for depression, I don't know any that give you "energy" or that help you lose weight. They do help you stop obsessing over things in your head (and too often, stunt your sexual drive - but that's a whole other post ❣シ).

    I do hope you will stick with it and please feel free to friend me - I would be happy to help you out and vice-versa! Good luck - and remember NONE of us have medical degrees - don't do anything without talking to your doctor first . . .
    ❤❣❤ jean
  • jaq_attaq
    jaq_attaq Posts: 11 Member
    I've been on different antidepressants for about 20 years. Right now I'm on a combo of Lamictal and Wellbutrin, with Sonata and Adderall as needed. I have no idea how Lamictal has affected my weight since I've only been on it for 4-5 months. Wellbutrin's been my mainstay and I've both gained and lost significant amounts of weight on it (which makes me think it's mostly weight neutral for me). I think I lost a ton of weight on Topamax and Effexor while running regularly and changing my eating. But the weight loss effect of those drugs plateaued after about a year and eventually I gained it all back.

    Bottom line: Managing depression is KEY for any successful weight loss for me. Despite what many (well-intentioned) people think, losing weight won't alleviate my depression but alleviating my depression will allow me to (a) not need food as a narcotic to get through the worst of it, and (b) to do the things I need to do to take care of myself and even lose weight.

    Good luck to you, OP, and to the rest of us in this thread! Now if only someone could tell me how my long-term med use has affected my blood glucose....
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    There actually are quite a few posts on this topic. Maybe you should try searching the names of particular medications. In sum, it appears that individuals have very different experiences, even with the drugs that typically cause or don't cause weight gain. If you have any doubts you should Google the drug and look for specialized websites on which users report their experiences.
  • operavagabond
    operavagabond Posts: 84 Member
    I've struggled with both my whole life. Friend request sent!
  • SassyFlowerLady
    SassyFlowerLady Posts: 12 Member
    There actually are quite a few posts on this topic. Maybe you should try searching the names of particular medications. In sum, it appears that individuals have very different experiences, even with the drugs that typically cause or don't cause weight gain. If you have any doubts you should Google the drug and look for specialized websites on which users report their experiences.

    Thank you for taking the time to post. I just want to clarify that the main reason I started this thread was to find others out there going through some of the same experiences as me.
  • Feel free to add me.
    I've actually found starting medication helpful, since I don't binge eat as a coping mechanism as much. So far, that's the only benefit of being on meds that I've noticed so I can't even tell if they're working for their intended purpose. :/
  • SassyFlowerLady
    SassyFlowerLady Posts: 12 Member
    The crazy part about energy is, the more you are up and moving around, the more energy you will have. Working out actually gives you energy and helps you sleep better. Exercise is a natural anti-depressant :happy:

    I completely agree with this - my problem always seems to be getting up and moving. I've actually been doing pretty well the past 2wks but I do notice right after I take my Prozac I generally start feeling sluggish. If it wasn't for the fact that I've got a toddler running around my house all day I would seriously just give in to the exhaustion and stay on the couch all day.

    I look forward to seeing the changes I know are coming my way as a result of finding the strength not to sleep all the time. I love being at the gym - some days its just harder to get there then others :)
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    I've been on Paxil for...geez, sixteen years now? I've been extremely fortunate in that it's worked for me and I've been fairly stable on it (with a few notable exceptions, but that's due to outside stressors, not the med). By the same token, though, I'm not sure to what extent it may be causing weight gain. As others have said though, that's a trade-off I gladly make. Doesn't matter how slender I am if I'm locked in my apartment crying.

    I'm also on a number of medications for my kidney transplant and associated conditions, of which prednisone is the most notable for weight gain. Fortunately I'm on a very low dose of it right now; I'm hoping it has minimal effect on my efforts here.

    ETA: Oh! I also wanted to mention/second the points folks are making about how treating depression and anxiety can help with food and exercise-related behaviors- I'm very much finding that to be the case. I recently had a mini-epiphany of "I'm unhappy. I'm going to eat. Wait, why? That doesn't make me feel better" that was one big factor in my joining MFP and just generally being ready to attempt long-term health changes.
  • Thanks for this thread - sometimes I feel so misunderstood. My roommate has no idea what I'm going through (major depression). I'm currently takinq Pritsiq; it's only been about six weeks, and it seems to have helped level me, and I'm getting to the point of wanting to go for walks. Baby steps for me....

    Feel free to add me-
  • SassyFlowerLady
    SassyFlowerLady Posts: 12 Member
    ETA: Oh! I also wanted to mention/second the points folks are making about how treating depression and anxiety can help with food and exercise-related behaviors- I'm very much finding that to be the case. I recently had a mini-epiphany of "I'm unhappy. I'm going to eat. Wait, why? That doesn't make me feel better" that was one big factor in my joining MFP and just generally being ready to attempt long-term health changes.

    I've noticed I've been having fewer and fewer cases of "boredom eating". I'm pretty sure that's more to do with holding myself accountable on MFP. I've tried using this site in the past but only as a log - never once did I consider adding friends and forming my own personal support system. I am very happy I decided to fully embrace this site this time around.

    Congrats to you for your "mini-epiphany"! Keep up the good work :)
  • Kushy8
    Kushy8 Posts: 103 Member
    I take multiple psych meds and definitely struggle with weight! Feel free to add me. Also, anyone else with these issues, feel free to add me.
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    ETA: Oh! I also wanted to mention/second the points folks are making about how treating depression and anxiety can help with food and exercise-related behaviors- I'm very much finding that to be the case. I recently had a mini-epiphany of "I'm unhappy. I'm going to eat. Wait, why? That doesn't make me feel better" that was one big factor in my joining MFP and just generally being ready to attempt long-term health changes.

    I've noticed I've been having fewer and fewer cases of "boredom eating". I'm pretty sure that's more to do with holding myself accountable on MFP. I've tried using this site in the past but only as a log - never once did I consider adding friends and forming my own personal support system. I am very happy I decided to fully embrace this site this time around.

    Congrats to you for your "mini-epiphany"! Keep up the good work :)

    Thank you! I think the food diary is great for avoiding boredom eating. It just makes me a little more conscious of what I'm deciding to eat. And I'm finding myself going "wait, I don't want to burn calories on this just because it's here; I'd rather have (x) and enjoy it". Still working on emotional eating, but hey, I'm just starting- I decided that I'd just write down everything that goes into my mouth, even on the bad days, and not get all judgey on myself. It'll come eventually, right?
  • SassyFlowerLady
    SassyFlowerLady Posts: 12 Member
    I just want to thank all of you for opening up and sharing your stories with me - and thank you for new friends :) I am happy to report that I have been able to fight through the lack of energy this week and hit the gym each and everyday with everything I had. Lost another 1.8lbs this week :)
  • alt1268
    alt1268 Posts: 159 Member
    Well my dr decreased my abilify and said that in a month we can cut it again. In the meantime I feel like I'm starved. Trying protein shakes instead of junk food. Plus my regular meals. I really want to loose this weight. We will see6⃣????
  • I have been trying to manage Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety (before that PDD...) for 5 years.
    Numerous med combinations and CBT, Group Therapy, Few Inpatient Events, and so on.
    I would say my job is sedentary...but I am active on my free time. I do stress over things too much and am trying to change my mental perspective on life. Living near DC doesn't help...rat race for sure.

    I am on Effexor and Wellbutrin, to include Cytomel as a supplement for depression to relieve fatigue and reduce susceptibility to illness.
    So Norepinephrine HIgh, appetite low, energy closer to normal but still low. I've tried Weight watchers, South beach, Nutritionist planned diet, my own versions...I haven't lost any weight except when I tried Medifast.
    I lost 10 pounds when I was on the 800 calorie first phase (soybean based power or freeze dried foods...not tasty at all)...but then gained 15 back when I went to maintenance phase (still same food, just increase in calories to 1200). The food started to give me GI issues so I gave up on that plan.
    I try to stay on 1200 calorie diet now of just real food, limiting simple carbs. I take my omega threes and multivitamen and herb suppliments.
    I may not lose much weight, but do feel better when I exercise. So I just try to live my life doing the activities I enjoy and exercise that keeps me moving. I figure my mental health has to come first and the rest will follow. Stressing over weight can only increase the hormones that prevent weight loss and healthy fat balance.
  • snl4u
    snl4u Posts: 7
    Hi - Sent you a friend request. I take Zoloft for anxiety. But I wonder if I might have depression too?
  • Helloiamashleigh
    Helloiamashleigh Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on Prozac and I have noticed significant decrease in appetite. I have been eating very little, which isn't very good at all, I know but I can't stomach any more food. Because of how little I have been eating I have been really really lethargic for the past couple of months. I'm just glad at least I had weight to lose. It seems that the only anti depressants out there are either making people gain/lose appetite. Is there anyone that takes an antidepressant that doesn't do this?
  • Helloiamashleigh
    Helloiamashleigh Posts: 8 Member
    Btw, I would really appreciate it if some of you added me, I'm new here and need more people to motivate me (I also binge eat sometimes, even if I'm not hungry)