

  • And I totally agree on measuring... I don't put a lot of stock into weight, I prefer measuring once per week.
  • You need to shake things up. Change your exercise, do something different. And change your calories. You might take a day to do less and the next day do more and then go back to your 1200. Simple changes will help. Also, be sure you are getting enough water to flush your system. And keep in mind that the closer you get to…
  • I agree with the post that said you don't need to do cleanses. There are gentler ways to purify your system. Use caution when doing such hard cleanses. If your body is in a weakened state, doing a cleanse can actually make you more ill. Many of us need to build ourselves more than cleanse. But that's a whole other topic...…
  • http://www.foodadditivesbook.com/foodaddbook.html I was given a copy of that book and it is amazing. It is the right size to take shopping and tells you what ingredients to stay away from and what are healthy. ya know, all those ing. that you can't pronounce or you wonder what in the world it is but no one knows?
  • And, Candycana, good job on your water! I think you're probably doing fine on your intake. I think I wouldn't worry about upping it much more than where you are now. Unless of course you find yourself thristy for some reason. ;)
  • Actually, I had a test done and my salts were too high even though I don't eat that many salts. My naturopath put me on distilled water and my next test showed my salts where they belong. Who knew? When I say quality water, I guess I mean not city tap water at least. ;) Well water is better. Bottled water is totally a walk…
  • I wouldn't worry about 100 ounces, if it were me. I would shoot for a BIT more than 64 though, and make sure it's quality water. But yeah, don't sweat 100 ounces...
  • Oh yes, artificial sweeteners haven't shown any help in losing weight and in fact have lots of red flags on long term health problems. So I personally always stay clear from them. If the label reads sucralose, that is Splenda, and AminoSweet is Aspartame...
  • Not being able to read the labels here is my best guess... Double fiber whole grain bread (check the label, what's in there, corn syrup? If ingredients are wholesome, great job!) - Fiber One cereal (again, label label, what's in it...) - Oats - Organic Apples - Sugar free jam (I do not like sugar free, probably it has…
  • I was going to start on my extensive library of Jillian DVDs this week, but my back is messed up. Once it gets back in running order I'll be doing a combo of the Shred and 6 week 6 pack. And then finishing up shred I'll add in her others again. My prize for all the work? Buying her new one to come out on March 1st! :)
  • I second the raw almond note... Salted, not so good for you. But get raw almonds and enjoy them in moderation, great healthy fats and great in protein. A small handful midday will help your mood and blood sugar too!
  • As long as the carbs are healthy, enjoy some (don't over do of course.) Your body does need some. That said, I like the Kangaroo brand whole wheat pits and I fill them with egg salad or tuna. I also like yogurt, and I found that Stoneycreek French Vanilla organic is a hit in our home. I also love salads at lunch, but watch…
  • A general rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water in a day (not too late into the day because it will keep you up in the bathroom haha!) So if you are 140 pounds, you would aim for 70 oz of water a day. So I'd say you're fine to drink a bit more. :)