

  • I think I blame twitter and face book for all this obsession with sharing everything lol never got on with either as a private person I like to keep myself to myself really.
  • No my profile does not say I am very active I logged in as sedentary as apart from my job and walking my rather elderly dog short distances I do not exercise at all. I have a disability that means I can only just manage my job I certainly cannot exercise too.
  • I did open mine initially but found I was getting comments I could happily live without, I always eat under my calorie target through choice and am losing approx 2Lb a week if I needed anyone to comment I would open it again but I seem to be doing OK myself. I find some comments less than helpful when what I am doing works…
  • I never put cleaning as exercise even though I do 5 hours a day professional cleaning - what I do at home would barely register as activity compared with cleaning offices for 5 hours. But if others do it doesn't bother me too much I think they may be fooling themselves but it isn't for me to tell them that IMO
  • I do take one, with my allergies I don't get enough vitamins if I don't, also take vitamin k as I don't clot when I cut myself and bruise extremely easily due to a blood disorder. Also take iron as I am usually anaemic ! If I were an animal I would have been put to sleep years ago :laugh:
  • Once a week - any more just makes me feel I am on a diet and I am actually enjoying my food this time I am dieting so it doesn't actually feel like a diet as such.
  • I'm finding it hard to eat my daily allowance in healthy foods so can't really relate but mainly I am replacing food with other things where I can. Feel like food do something else - walk the dog, groom the dog, start sewing or knitting, clean something, wander round the garden etc. Just anything to take my mind off it and…
  • Thank you yes I am already finding it extremely helpful, never felt so motivated as I have since joining.
  • Something that was interesting was near the end they talked about lack of vitamins in todays fruit and veg compared with in the 50's -60's such a change means we need to eat so much more to get the same amount of vitamins as back then.
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