I'm starving unless I eat 1800+ calories per day.



  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I know the feeling, I'm on 2400 to lose and even that's hard sometimes!

    One of the best filling foods I've found is things like homemade soups and stews. I don't know what it is about soups but I can just put loads of veg in, it has hardly any calories, and I struggle to eat the bowl! Also, foods with lots of protein help.

    If it's still not working, I suggest more exercise. That way you're making the deficit bigger (you'll lose weight easier) but still eating the same.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Depends on how you workout, how overweight you are(if you're overweight that is). The 10 meals a day stuff is total nonsense, brought by the fitness/supplement industry trying to get people to buy more protein/supplements/snack bars, etc. . In all actuality it can actually make you hungrier, by not letting your grehlin stabilize. Also, skipping breakfast works for alot of people. Hard to tell without looking at your intake/workout protocol.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    I just exercise a lot. Creates the same endorphins as eating food. The time I'm in the gym means I can't be around a fridge. I wear walking shoes around the house, so if I'm feeling snacky I go for a walk first. Upside is more calories I can eat if I really want to.
  • molliepops1962
    I'm finding it hard to eat my daily allowance in healthy foods so can't really relate but mainly I am replacing food with other things where I can. Feel like food do something else - walk the dog, groom the dog, start sewing or knitting, clean something, wander round the garden etc. Just anything to take my mind off it and a drink of water usually helps too.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'd bet if you calculated your TDEE 1800 is where you should be eating.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    My main problem is the proteins... I love meat and fish and chicken, and I need a big portion in order to feel satisfied :( I always grill it, I just put some garllic sauce and herbs on it, and grill in a convection oven, but according to the diet plan on here, I am waaay overboard with protein :( I have dieted before, roughy same as I am doing now, and it worked, somehow. Anyone has the same problem as me?? Oh I just love my food !

    The protein default on here is really low. Think of it as a goal to be reached or passed, not a limit. Or you can change your settings manually.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I'd bet if you calculated your TDEE 1800 is where you should be eating.

    I second this OP. I lose at 1750 and I only have about 15 pounds left to lose.
  • LJSmith1989
    I eat about 1600 a day plus exersise... I grin and bare it sometimes... other times il just keep eating, after exersize il eat again. I have noticed im really full when i eat carbs, proteins and salad togeather... water!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Nothing is wrong with eating 1800+ cals a day if you're getting a good workout in.
  • mouseky
    mouseky Posts: 6 Member
    Eating a handful of almonds and a low-fat cheese stick help me!
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    So you are losing weight while still being able to eat a decent amount of food.

    What's the problem here again? this is good.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    If you're eating 1800 and losing a third of a pound a week, I think that sounds great. Slow, steady weight loss is ideal. It is easier to manage (not starving all the time), you lose less lean body mass, and it is easier to maintain over time. Sounds like lots of win to me.

    I don't know how much you plan to lose, but I really think you should consider sticking with what is working. Many people cut calories too low, thinking it will speed things up, and just get more frustrated.

    I am trying to eat around 1800 at the moment, and I'm finding it quite difficult; it feels like a low number after eating at maintenance for awhile. So I know how that feels.
  • thenewaudbbgirl
    thenewaudbbgirl Posts: 14 Member
    Fruit helps a lot. I notice melons really make me feel full. They are good for you and on the weight watchers diet , fruit was zero points.
    I would eat a bowl of canteloupe and would feel really full for hours.
    Lots of water
    Almonds are good to use as well.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Is it emotional/habitual hunger or physical hunger.

    If its a more sudden feeling then it is probably emotional/habitual hunger, if it is more gradual it is more likely physical hunger.

    If its physical hunger then look at the type of food etc, if it is emotional/habitual hunger then you need to look at breaking the habits or overcoming the emotions.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    To feel full:
    1. Drink 16 oz of water within 30 minutes of waking and have breakfast within an hour of waking. After that, drink 8 oz of water before eating each "meal."
    2. Eat 100-200 cal every 3 hours or so. (remember to drink your water FIRST). Make sure those calories are PROTEIN and FIBER rich, LOW in net carbs and low in fat (but NOT fat free). The protein, fiber, and fats will make you feel FULL. An example of a snack might be an apple with low fat cheese or with a tablespoon of lower fat peanut butter.
    3. One of your meals will be a little higher in calories (you'll end up eating about 6x/day and still get about 1200 or so cal per day), say 500 or so. Even if you did a 200 cal snack/meal 5x/day plus a 500 cal meal, that's only 1500 cal...which would create a net deficit of 300 cal/ day or an extra pound per week. If you can keep those a little closer to the 100 cal mark and have a 500-600 cal meal at whichever main meal you prefer, you'll see the weight fall off FAST.

    The great thing about this is that your next meal/snack is always just around the corner. It keeps your metabolism revved (yea) and keeps you from being too frustrated. Remember, too, feeling a tummy growl before you eat is a GOOD thing. It tells you that you're fueling your body (not feeding your emotions or other things). Also consider that these smaller amounts of calories will seem like "nothing" at first, but will shrink the actual size of your stomach. Before long, you'll be sated by them (not "FULL") and you'll build the habit of not overeating.

    Stick with it...you're on your way to feeling better, looking better, and having a longer, healthier life.

    Your metabolism is not affected by meal frequency.
    do what works for you.

    I dont eat breakfast, I have coffee, and like to save my calories for later in the day, because that is when I like to eat more.

    It is working well for me, I used to feel like I shouldnt eat at night, and it was always my downfall...now i DO and am doing just fine
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    When i first started cutting back calories i had this issue ALOT. And it did affect my weight loss, but i have found a way to eat alot but comsume less calories. What i am currently doing it eating a high amount of low calorie foods for instance Vegetable,Fruits and Seafood.

    For vegetables, i buy the green giant steamer bags and eat the whole thing, sometimes two if im really hungry. A whole bag is only 150 calories but there is alot of veggies in there. so two bags is only 300 calories. Then i eat tons of seafood whether sea scallops or catfish cause they are high in protein but very low in calories and i eat at least 3 - 4 filets which is maybe only 200-250 calories

    Add throughout the day i eat fruits mostly grapes but you can eat any fruit that you might delicious to just keep the hunger at bay til your next meal.

    Hope this helps you! and Good luck!
  • mfrkorey
    mfrkorey Posts: 176 Member
    And I'll preach water again. A lot of times thirst is interpreted by your body as hunger. I've noticed when I'm hydrating properly, I'm not as hungry! I'm also one of those people that wants to snack more when I drink diet sodas, so if you are drinking those, you may want to reconsider...
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I eat more now than I ever did when I was fat, I just eat low calorie foods now...
  • marissa3209
    marissa3209 Posts: 45 Member
    To feel full:
    1. Drink 16 oz of water within 30 minutes of waking and have breakfast within an hour of waking. After that, drink 8 oz of water before eating each "meal."
    2. Eat 100-200 cal every 3 hours or so. (remember to drink your water FIRST). Make sure those calories are PROTEIN and FIBER rich, LOW in net carbs and low in fat (but NOT fat free). The protein, fiber, and fats will make you feel FULL. An example of a snack might be an apple with low fat cheese or with a tablespoon of lower fat peanut butter.
    3. One of your meals will be a little higher in calories (you'll end up eating about 6x/day and still get about 1200 or so cal per day), say 500 or so. Even if you did a 200 cal snack/meal 5x/day plus a 500 cal meal, that's only 1500 cal...which would create a net deficit of 300 cal/ day or an extra pound per week. If you can keep those a little closer to the 100 cal mark and have a 500-600 cal meal at whichever main meal you prefer, you'll see the weight fall off FAST.

    The great thing about this is that your next meal/snack is always just around the corner. It keeps your metabolism revved (yea) and keeps you from being too frustrated. Remember, too, feeling a tummy growl before you eat is a GOOD thing. It tells you that you're fueling your body (not feeding your emotions or other things). Also consider that these smaller amounts of calories will seem like "nothing" at first, but will shrink the actual size of your stomach. Before long, you'll be sated by them (not "FULL") and you'll build the habit of not overeating.

    Stick with it...you're on your way to feeling better, looking better, and having a longer, healthier life.

    I wish there were "like" buttons here. Very encouraging! :)
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Cut the carbs, especially anything grain based and sugar based. Avoid greek yogurt unless it is plain. The flavored kind if full of sugar.

    Try to make protein smoothies. Add in lots of veggies like spinach, kale, celery, and cucumber, for green smoothies or pumpkin, carrots, beets, and red chard for red or orange smoothies. Throw in some fruit like oranges, berries, apples, pears, grapes, melon, and mango. Top it off with some fats like a teaspoon of olive oil or some avocado chunks. Add a scoop of whey protein (I like the vanilla powder) and some plain, lowfat greek yogurt, water or iced tea and blend.

    These types of smoothies are very low in calories, high in fiber and nutrients and will fill you up for hours. The way I make them, it makes about a liter and has less than 400 calories.