AzaleaNicole38 Member


  • Yes, I did mean insanity on it's own. I can testify that insanity is A LOT of cardio. And I think it is HIIT training, I think Shaun T even says this in the video. I think we will have to look into going to the gym. If he's serious, that's the sacrifice he has to make. The money he is spending on the creatine can be better…
  • That's it, your "friends." I call my friends the nastiest of words. Doesn't mean I should call someone I don't know an *******. And no, you don't know people's preference, but generally speaking, I don't think it hurts to be cordial. When you become friends, you can then introduce the snarkiness?
  • Yes, as a teacher you are constantly changing your learning strategies. Difference, as a teacher, you have a year. On MFP, you have a couple posts in a forum then people move on. If they don't take your advice, you can't force them to. But as a teacher, you are walking into my classroom every day, and every day I will try…
  • But initially you said the complaint was that I'm complaining instead of giving advice. I'm saying that is not so. Why is my number of "advice" posts being called into question? Thankfully there are many here that post regularly, who have answered a few of my own threads, and I thank them profusely for dedicating their…
  • Again, success is variable to different people. A success story is personal, it won't apply to all. Some people have success when others are "mean" to them. Some don't. This site works differently for everybody. I think as a rule of thumb though, it pays to be nice. If you are friends with the person on mfp, know their…
  • So of those 63 posts, none of them were advice based? Like I already expressed, please go and check my posts.
  • People stereotype, so no, it does not bother me. I explain to them what I do in the classroom, and if they don't like what I have to say then I let my work be the example. And the people that are on here and give great advice in good spirit shouldn't care about this thread, because they would know it does not apply to…
  • Umm, no. To disprove that, you can look at the number of posts I currently have, and while doing so you can look at the posts I've replied to. You are making a very broad assumption. And as said by other members in this thread, many lurk the forums and do not wish to participate after witnessing people being torn to shreds…
  • I can say that I've read mfp forum posts before I even joined. I'm a listener, so I like reading other people's thoughts. I decided to get back on mfp about a month ago. This time around I thought I'd try to use the community feature more because apparently this aids in weight loss - having a support group. Within days, I…
  • This couldn't be better said if you tried.
  • I don't know if MFP has changed. There's been mean people ever since I can remember. I've been on and off for 3 years. I will say while I appreciate the knowledge and advice people are ready to willingly give, people have really forgotten tact. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. But I guess the internets.
  • No But I did indulge, had froyo
  • They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally speaking, I'm overweight and my boyfriend is skinny. I will say that when we met I WAS much lighter, but now he doesn't love me any less... I hope. Haha I've liked a lot of.. erm.. "less nice looking" guys. Now when I look back at them I think "what was I…
  • Thanks a lot! Do you have any side effects?
  • Bump I gave up fast food and was looking into subway as an option when I'm out on the go
  • Sorry to the OP, I don't mean to overhaul your thread. But do you take anything for your hypothyroidism? I also have it and I don't take anything for it, but am losing weight slowly. My aunt was diagnosed and her doctor prescribed something and she dropped so much weight. I'm debating if I should ask my doctor as well.
  • That's a good point, I'm not sure if he's increasing his weight when lifting. I know he alternates between weight, but not at a steady incline. I will let him know about bw exercises as well. Also he is currently taking six star pro nutrition creatine and whey protein. One in pill form, the latter in powder. I want to buy…
  • Speaking of beach body, I'm doing Insanity and I told him to join me. Is this too much cardio for him? He feels like P90X would be more strength based.
  • Thanks for all the replies. He's 22 and I'm guessing he wants to gain muscle mass and weight? He already has a lot of muscle, but I'm guessing he is thinking that if he weighs more, he will have more muscle. Is that naive thinking, or is he accurate in assuming that? He is not on any type of program, just lifting dumbells…
  • The fitbit is better for counting your daily steps. If you're looking to measure calories burned during exercise, you're better off with a hrm. I too was confused, so bought a fitbit thinking it would work like a hrm. Come to find out I have to log my exercise the same way I log it on mfp. I will say that I love my fitbit…
  • I went to a wedding last night and ate lots of chicken and beef and dropped 2 pounds by the morning. There was however a vegan guest at my table that was very much overweight and ate salad all night. All I'm saying is the medium is (or is not?) the message.
  • Yes, I believe when I was syncing my fitbit to mfp, there was a notice that I should log everything on mfp (food, weight loss, exercise). Meaning, I log my workouts on mfp and it syncs to my fitbit. That's why sometimes I might not reach my step goal for the day, but I will reach my calories burned for the day. Now the…
  • OMG, yes! A Magic Bullet (or a blender) will save your life! Since as you have shakes in the morning, add some baby spinach, kale, carrots or whatever you want and mix it with fruit! Or if you can bear it, do an all veggie shake. Tastes gross, but once you down it, you just got about 2 servings of veggies.
  • I still don't think veggie pizza is a bad idea. I've taken so many carb-tastic things like pizza and sandwiches, and loaded them with veggies. I really disliked veggies, and that was the only way I could eat them when starting to eat better. Mind you I made all of this at home. I am sorry, but if you put just steamed…
  • I think he means in the sense if you have a veggie pizza, you can get maybe 2-3 servings of veggies depending. Whole wheat thin crust is an option (grains). Cheese is dairy. Throw some meat on there and nutritionally speaking, you've got all your food groups.
  • I still try to work in a pizza if I can, because I did the whole clean eating thing and I'm like, "I can't bloody eat like this for the rest of my life!" So everything is good in moderation. But I think also your body might be holding onto weight if that's all you're eating AND you're working out. Do you eat back your…
  • Hey I have about 90 or so pounds to go :)
  • I'm no expert, but it could be an array of things. 1. You may not actually be eating at a deficit. Measuring your food is a big help. 2. Go to the doctor. You may have an overactive/underactive thyroid or something else. I know this is my problem. 3. You may have messed up your metabolism by eating so little. This also…