How to BULK?



  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    Speaking of beach body, I'm doing Insanity and I told him to join me. Is this too much cardio for him? He feels like P90X would be more strength based.

    both are far from ideal for putting on muscle. with p90x being somewhat less so.

    the nutrition guide for insanity does discuss how to eat to gain weight, but honestly one would be better off skipping the cardio almost altogether (should do some to keep up your heart health), especially if he's a hard gainer.

    Assuming he has enough weight that he'll fail at 8 reps or less, it wouldn't be crazy to do just the lifting days from p90x. although i'd suggest pausing often because so fast its nearly like cardio. and find a different solution for legs. because p90x legs IS cardio

    are you sure that's right??? the bolded part- Insanity is like pure HIIT cardio.

    he's not putting on any muscle with that program.

    As noted- he needs to be on a PROGRESSIVE lifting program- using dumbbells and stuff isn't going to cut it.

    If he doesn't want to do a gym barbell program- please please please read waldo's site.

    It's probably the most comprehensive site on body weight building. not just body-weight workouts- it's geared and written by some one bulking and aiming to get bigger.

    while i'd agree that HIIT is probably the most muscle friendly cardio... its technically not HIIT by the strictest definitions. close enough if you ask me.

    I thought she meant do just insanity and no weight routine.

    but even if he was doing a weight routine, if the goal was to gain mass it would be counter productive, you would have to eat all those calories back.

    plus she seems to suggest he's a hard gainer.

    you know i'm not a beach body hater lol

    Yes, I did mean insanity on it's own. I can testify that insanity is A LOT of cardio. And I think it is HIIT training, I think Shaun T even says this in the video.

    I think we will have to look into going to the gym. If he's serious, that's the sacrifice he has to make. The money he is spending on the creatine can be better put towards the gym anyhow.

    So he can eat ANYTHING? I'm very concerned about that. He is eating popeyes almost every other day. That really concerns me. I want him to love himself on the outside, but not hate himself on the inside.
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    AND, what are macros? Sorry if that sounds super dumb. When I search it on google I get software stuff.
    And how does he know if he's getting enough? He joined mfp actually (yay!)
    Let's see if he takes it seriously though.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    macros -> macro nutrients
    Proteins/Fats/Carbs....and if you drink alcohol
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Speaking of beach body, I'm doing Insanity and I told him to join me. Is this too much cardio for him? He feels like P90X would be more strength based.

    both are far from ideal for putting on muscle. with p90x being somewhat less so.

    the nutrition guide for insanity does discuss how to eat to gain weight, but honestly one would be better off skipping the cardio almost altogether (should do some to keep up your heart health), especially if he's a hard gainer.

    Assuming he has enough weight that he'll fail at 8 reps or less, it wouldn't be crazy to do just the lifting days from p90x. although i'd suggest pausing often because so fast its nearly like cardio. and find a different solution for legs. because p90x legs IS cardio

    are you sure that's right??? the bolded part- Insanity is like pure HIIT cardio.

    he's not putting on any muscle with that program.

    As noted- he needs to be on a PROGRESSIVE lifting program- using dumbbells and stuff isn't going to cut it.

    If he doesn't want to do a gym barbell program- please please please read waldo's site.

    It's probably the most comprehensive site on body weight building. not just body-weight workouts- it's geared and written by some one bulking and aiming to get bigger.

    while i'd agree that HIIT is probably the most muscle friendly cardio... its technically not HIIT by the strictest definitions. close enough if you ask me.

    I thought she meant do just insanity and no weight routine.

    but even if he was doing a weight routine, if the goal was to gain mass it would be counter productive, you would have to eat all those calories back.

    plus she seems to suggest he's a hard gainer.

    you know i'm not a beach body hater lol

    Yes, I did mean insanity on it's own. I can testify that insanity is A LOT of cardio. And I think it is HIIT training, I think Shaun T even says this in the video.

    I think we will have to look into going to the gym. If he's serious, that's the sacrifice he has to make. The money he is spending on the creatine can be better put towards the gym anyhow.

    So he can eat ANYTHING? I'm very concerned about that. He is eating popeyes almost every other day. That really concerns me. I want him to love himself on the outside, but not hate himself on the inside.

    well, this is really only from a weight loss/gain perspective.

    it doesn't really consider pre existing health problems, nor does it really address the possible developement of health problems.

    presumably one could be in outwardly great shape, but could have a genetic predisopsition to high cholesterol or diabetes. it might be possible that one would develop health problems even with a body that appears to be otherwise in great shape.

    On the other hand, most health problems attributed to certain foods are to some degree moot if your not obese. so is it really the food? or the fact that you are obese?

    I think the rule of moderation should still be employeed. Popeyes 2-3 times a week no biggie, popeyes 3 times a day is probably not the best idea
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    as far as the macros, if it was me i'd eat around 1 g of protien per lbs body weight and let the rest fall as they may
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks a bunch! That's a relief, and I'll let him know :)