Stalled weight loss



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Probably not, lol figured baked tilapia and broccoli was better than smashing a pizza though.

    In terms of pure nutrition, a pizza is actually superior to what you were consuming. :tongue:

    Ok, I'll amend my prior advice to add: Add more variety to your diet.

    How do you figure that? Pizza is mostly bread and cheese -- not exactly the most nutrient dense food, though calorically it packs a whopper. I didn't think I'd ever see someone say nutritionally speaking, pizza is superior to fish and broccoli. Wow.

    I think he means in the sense if you have a veggie pizza, you can get maybe 2-3 servings of veggies depending. Whole wheat thin crust is an option (grains). Cheese is dairy. Throw some meat on there and nutritionally speaking, you've got all your food groups.

    Perhaps, but most pizzas don't have super awesome veggies, at least not in good proportions. If you're looking to get your vegetable servings from pizza, wow, that's going to be a challenge. I can see perhaps the comparison if the guy was eating something very nutritionally shallow like celery or iceberg lettuce, but broccoli is incredibly nutrient dense and one of the most bang for your buck veggies calorie-wise.

    But, yes, I suppose you can get more micronutrients if you have a few mushrooms, onions or peppers on a pizza. I just can't believe anyone thinks that is nutritionally superior to tilapia and broccoli. Wow.

    Two slices of pizza with some veggies is by far nutritionally superior than 100 calories of tilapia and 62 calories of brocolli. You're getting much more dietary fat and a wider array of micronutrients.

    If I am wrong, please tell me how.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Diet for the longest time was shakes in the morning then fish and broccoli for lunch and dinner.
    Besides it being a bit bland you also made no mention of the actual calories in those meals. Do you weigh and measure all your food and liquids?
    4oz fish 100 calories
    2 cups broccoli 62 calories
    Whey shake 150 calories 1scoop to 6 oz of water
    Usually lemon pepper seasoning on the fish
    Water is my main go to for liquid with the occasional ice tea limited sugar
    that's maybe 600 calories a day. My three year old eats more. Please eat pizza. Or something. The food choices are healthy but there isnt enough of it.

    These calories do seem WAY too low as an average. VLCD are not recommended unless you're considerably obese and under a doctor's supervision because they can wreak havoc on your body if not done correctly -- can cause all sort of hormonal problems that create all sorts of problems.

    If you want to do this as part of an intermittent fasting plan -- like 5;2 -- to get your weekly deficit, that's a reasonable path. But, as a general rule, you should be averaging WAY more calories than this.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Probably not, lol figured baked tilapia and broccoli was better than smashing a pizza though.

    In terms of pure nutrition, a pizza is actually superior to what you were consuming. :tongue:

    Ok, I'll amend my prior advice to add: Add more variety to your diet.

    How do you figure that? Pizza is mostly bread and cheese -- not exactly the most nutrient dense food, though calorically it packs a whopper. I didn't think I'd ever see someone say nutritionally speaking, pizza is superior to fish and broccoli. Wow.

    I think he means in the sense if you have a veggie pizza, you can get maybe 2-3 servings of veggies depending. Whole wheat thin crust is an option (grains). Cheese is dairy. Throw some meat on there and nutritionally speaking, you've got all your food groups.

    Perhaps, but most pizzas don't have super awesome veggies, at least not in good proportions. If you're looking to get your vegetable servings from pizza, wow, that's going to be a challenge. I can see perhaps the comparison if the guy was eating something very nutritionally shallow like celery or iceberg lettuce, but broccoli is incredibly nutrient dense and one of the most bang for your buck veggies calorie-wise.

    But, yes, I suppose you can get more micronutrients if you have a few mushrooms, onions or peppers on a pizza. I just can't believe anyone thinks that is nutritionally superior to tilapia and broccoli. Wow.

    Two slices of pizza with some veggies is by far nutritionally superior than 100 calories of tilapia and 62 calories of brocolli. You're getting much more dietary fat and a wider array of micronutrients.

    If I am wrong, please tell me how.

    The guy is eating too little, without a doubt. How much do you think 162 calories of your veggie pizza is? 1/3 of a slice? Maybe...

    If you're suggesting the pizza because he needs more calories, sure -- he certainly needs more calories. But to say its nutritionally superior is a stretch. To compare, you've got to compare servings of similar calories. Calorie-for-calorie, tilapia and broccoli is going to be FAR superior to two slices of pizza. Unless you're doing something highly irregular to the pizza and making it some sort of super pizza. Your average pizza isn't going to come close to that. You're going to have a fairly low calorie-to-nutritent ratio because pizza is so calorically dense with the crust and cheese.
  • alq76
    alq76 Posts: 15
    1. figure out your tdee
    2. eat 500-600 cals a day below that
    3. when more than 5 lbs has dropped off yourself recalculate your tdee and continue to eat at a deficit
    4. lift weight , replacing with muscle or gaining muscle will burn more cals throught the day the scale will not show weight loss always as muscle is denser and weighs the same
    5. do atleast 2 days of cardio to start not only is it cardiovascularly good for you but will garner you a larger deficit
    7 eat more variety for god sake!
    My workout week consists of 2 days of lifting, 3 days of cardio
    My tdee is close to 4000
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    While I agree that the caloric difference is huge, my main point is that he needs a much wider variety of veggies in his diet. :tongue:
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    While I agree that the caloric difference is huge, my main point is that he needs a much wider variety of veggies in his diet. :tongue:

    I totally agree with you that. That was just the first time I've ever seen someone suggest veggie pizza as a way to increase the variety of veggies in a diet.
  • pjarellano
    pjarellano Posts: 18
    The body is curious thing. It would be great if we could just this is the plan. And it would say got it. But the problem is, the body is a know-it-all. And sometimes it says, hey I think this is a good set weight. So you need to let it know you don't agree. You might try switching up your exercise routine. Work different muscles, different cardio. I have had some stubborn battles with my body over mind. But have found by throwing something new to my stubborn body, naturally started reacting to what my mind wanted it to do. Just keep a good sense of humor. It will keep your body on it's toes.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    While I agree that the caloric difference is huge, my main point is that he needs a much wider variety of veggies in his diet. :tongue:

    I totally agree with you that. That was just the first time I've ever seen someone suggest veggie pizza as a way to increase the variety of veggies in a diet.

    I just said it was better than what he was currently eating!
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    I still don't think veggie pizza is a bad idea. I've taken so many carb-tastic things like pizza and sandwiches, and loaded them with veggies. I really disliked veggies, and that was the only way I could eat them when starting to eat better. Mind you I made all of this at home.
    I am sorry, but if you put just steamed broccoli on my plate I'm not going to eat it, no ma'am! I will however have broccoli and zucchini lasagna.
  • alq76
    alq76 Posts: 15
    The body is curious thing. It would be great if we could just this is the plan. And it would say got it. But the problem is, the body is a know-it-all. And sometimes it says, hey I think this is a good set weight. So you need to let it know you don't agree. You might try switching up your exercise routine. Work different muscles, different cardio. I have had some stubborn battles with my body over mind. But have found by throwing something new to my stubborn body, naturally started reacting to what my mind wanted it to do. Just keep a good sense of humor. It will keep your body on it's toes.
    On the plus Im gonna try tennis for the first time this week so if nothin else perhaps I'll be on way to wimbledon.
  • alq76
    alq76 Posts: 15
    I still don't think veggie pizza is a bad idea. I've taken so many carb-tastic things like pizza and sandwiches, and loaded them with veggies. I really disliked veggies, and that was the only way I could eat them when starting to eat better. Mind you I made all of this at home.
    I am sorry, but if you put just steamed broccoli on my plate I'm not going to eat it, no ma'am! I will however have broccoli and zucchini lasagna.
    Thats where a lot of my problem lies with variety is that I loathe most veggies aside from broccoli and cauliflower.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I still don't think veggie pizza is a bad idea. I've taken so many carb-tastic things like pizza and sandwiches, and loaded them with veggies. I really disliked veggies, and that was the only way I could eat them when starting to eat better. Mind you I made all of this at home.
    I am sorry, but if you put just steamed broccoli on my plate I'm not going to eat it, no ma'am! I will however have broccoli and zucchini lasagna.
    Thats where a lot of my problem lies with variety is that I loathe most veggies aside from broccoli and cauliflower.

    Try to find ways to incorporate them in ways that you can't taste them. Like a smoothie, juicing, blended and put into a stew, etc.

    Or at the very least take a good multi.
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    I still don't think veggie pizza is a bad idea. I've taken so many carb-tastic things like pizza and sandwiches, and loaded them with veggies. I really disliked veggies, and that was the only way I could eat them when starting to eat better. Mind you I made all of this at home.
    I am sorry, but if you put just steamed broccoli on my plate I'm not going to eat it, no ma'am! I will however have broccoli and zucchini lasagna.
    Thats where a lot of my problem lies with variety is that I loathe most veggies aside from broccoli and cauliflower.

    Try to find ways to incorporate them in ways that you can't taste them. Like a smoothie, juicing, blended and put into a stew, etc.

    Or at the very least take a good multi.

    OMG, yes! A Magic Bullet (or a blender) will save your life! Since as you have shakes in the morning, add some baby spinach, kale, carrots or whatever you want and mix it with fruit! Or if you can bear it, do an all veggie shake. Tastes gross, but once you down it, you just got about 2 servings of veggies.
  • alq76
    alq76 Posts: 15
    Diet for the longest time was shakes in the morning then fish and broccoli for lunch and dinner.
    Besides it being a bit bland you also made no mention of the actual calories in those meals. Do you weigh and measure all your food and liquids?
    4oz fish 100 calories
    2 cups broccoli 62 calories
    Whey shake 150 calories 1scoop to 6 oz of water

    Usually lemon pepper seasoning on the fish
    Water is my main go to for liquid with the occasional ice tea limited sugar
    that's maybe 600 calories a day. My three year old eats more. Please eat pizza. Or something. The food choices are healthy but there isnt enough of it.
    My bad I should have put servings as well,
    4 pieces of fish 2 cups of broccoli for each meal which still isn't enough, but I find it hard to try and eat more.
    You are finding it hard to eat more because you are being extremely restrictive which is unnecessary.

    You can eat more because you know, you did end up on MFP.
    Thats the battle ive been fighting, because its not hard for me to sit and wipe out a large pizza or 2 steaks and 6 or 7 brats along with sides and then 30 minutes later eat again. I think its more of a mental game on my behalf to restrict myself otherwise i'd be shutting down buffets.
  • nebulus1
    nebulus1 Posts: 2
    Variety is actually a bad idea for weight loss. If you look at the most successful people at weight loss they consistently eat similar meals everyday with very good caloric balance.

    As for your stall my suggestion is actually doing your TDEE calculation is a good start, and set the calorie goal in MFP to that number. However remember that what your activity level is more than what you do at the gym. If you sit on your rear playing video games, watching tv, or in a sedentary lifestyle then you should set your activity level to less active possible. Your largest meals of the day should sit around 350-450 calories, with some snacks sitting with whats left.

    Also, coming from experience losing 101lbs so far, keto is amazing for jump starting your weight loss. Carbs under 50g per day, a good amount of fat, and good lean protein. Also FIBER is your friend, make sure you get a good amount of it. Last bit of advice LOG EVERY THING THAT GOES INTO YOUR MOUTH, get into practice of doing that. If you have a smartphone download the app, if you don't use the computer at work to do it, if you can't do that get yourself a little notebook and write it down and at the end of the day put it into MFP!

    Not everyday is going to be a winner, but that is totally OK, as long as most of them are you are good.

    A note on exercise, cardio is not the enemy, guys seem to get worked up over doing it, and think they look stupid doing it. Get yourself a pedometer of some sort, track your steps and keep track. Make sure you are doing at least 10K steps per day, if you notice you are sitting around 5K, set a goal to get 7.5K take a walk (the extra steps is equivalent to 2.5 miles).

    Good luck on your journey!
  • alq76
    alq76 Posts: 15
    I still don't think veggie pizza is a bad idea. I've taken so many carb-tastic things like pizza and sandwiches, and loaded them with veggies. I really disliked veggies, and that was the only way I could eat them when starting to eat better. Mind you I made all of this at home.
    I am sorry, but if you put just steamed broccoli on my plate I'm not going to eat it, no ma'am! I will however have broccoli and zucchini lasagna.
    Thats where a lot of my problem lies with variety is that I loathe most veggies aside from broccoli and cauliflower.

    Try to find ways to incorporate them in ways that you can't taste them. Like a smoothie, juicing, blended and put into a stew, etc.

    Or at the very least take a good multi.

    OMG, yes! A Magic Bullet (or a blender) will save your life! Since as you have shakes in the morning, add some baby spinach, kale, carrots or whatever you want and mix it with fruit! Or if you can bear it, do an all veggie shake. Tastes gross, but once you down it, you just got about 2 servings of veggies.
    I take a multi in the morning but I will take you up on the blender idea, if nothing else it should change it up a bit.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    You might want to mix up your exercise routine a little to work some different muscles. If you don't think you're over eating your workouts?
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Here's my smoothie secret:

    A couple handfuls of spinach, a banana (frozen to get cool the smoothie without ice cubes) a tablespoon or two of peanut butter (100% peanuts), a tablespoon or two of baking cocoa (unsweetened), a little squeeze of honey if the banana doesnt sweeten it enough. Add your protein powder if you want and maybe a little vanilla extract. Throw some avocado in there for extra goodness and blend it thoroughly. You don't taste the spinach. Bam! Dark chocolate smoothie for breakfast. All healthy, sneaky veggies, tastes like an indulgence. Around 400 calories.
  • alq76
    alq76 Posts: 15
    Here's my smoothie secret:

    A couple handfuls of spinach, a banana (frozen to get cool the smoothie without ice cubes) a tablespoon or two of peanut butter (100% peanuts), a tablespoon or two of baking cocoa (unsweetened), a little squeeze of honey if the banana doesnt sweeten it enough. Add your protein powder if you want and maybe a little vanilla extract. Throw some avocado in there for extra goodness and blend it thoroughly. You don't taste the spinach. Bam! Dark chocolate smoothie for breakfast. All healthy, sneaky veggies, tastes like an indulgence. Around 400 calories.
    I appreciate the smoothie recipe it will give me a good place to start and sounds like it might taste heavenly, Thank You
  • alq76
    alq76 Posts: 15
    I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to share their insight and tips with me.