Stalled weight loss



  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    The discussion about pizza reminds of the tactic of using a tomato sauce base to sneak veggies in to reluctant children. Put some on as a filling and I think that pizza is a great choice.
  • nebulus1
    nebulus1 Posts: 2
    Sorry Mr but according to a lot of studies (reputable ones) have stated food boredom actually leads to eating less. Here is just one of them .

    You do need to have your largest meals 350 - 400 calories, if you are on say 2000 calories a day (which is what this user is on) eating 400 calories per large meal leaves 800 calories for snacks. You can either break this up into 2 additional 400 calorie meals (which is bad) or increase 3 largest meals to 500 calories leaving 500 total calories for snacks 250 for each.

    Just saying, I have lost over 100 lbs utilizing a 1600 calorie diet, playing beach volleyball for roughly 4-5 hours per week, also doing strength training 3 times per week. This strategy has worked VERY well for me as well as multiple friends (their caloric intake varies based on their TDEE calculation).
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Here's my smoothie secret:

    A couple handfuls of spinach, a banana (frozen to get cool the smoothie without ice cubes) a tablespoon or two of peanut butter (100% peanuts), a tablespoon or two of baking cocoa (unsweetened), a little squeeze of honey if the banana doesnt sweeten it enough. Add your protein powder if you want and maybe a little vanilla extract. Throw some avocado in there for extra goodness and blend it thoroughly. You don't taste the spinach. Bam! Dark chocolate smoothie for breakfast. All healthy, sneaky veggies, tastes like an indulgence. Around 400 calories.
    I appreciate the smoothie recipe it will give me a good place to start and sounds like it might taste heavenly, Thank You
    no problem!
    I forgot to say you should add some liquid to this. Almind milk, regular milk, coconut milk, greek yogurt, etc. One tall glass is around 400 calories, but this makes more than one serving.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    So the consensus is the OP is not losing weight due to eating too little and not enough variety in his diet? :huh:
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I don't know about the variety vs. non-variety debate. From what I've seen and what I personally do, people tend to have a solid 15-20 recipes which they rotate. I'm not sure if that's considered having good variety or not. But, it works for me.

    What I'd suggest you do is start looking into more creative ways to cook your veggies. Spices and tasty sauces can make all the difference! I restrict carbs, which means that I tend to eat high fat. So I have plenty of butter, cream and cheese for sauces. Zucchini chips -- slice them up, drizzle/toss with a little olive oil or coconut oil, sprinkle parmesan, cook in the oven until crisp -- super tasty! And you can do that so much with so many vegetables.

    Some of the best places I've seen for making vegetables more tasty are Paleo cookbooks -- some of my best have come from there or Paleo websites. I'd recommend checking those out. There are tons of ways to make veggies really tasty.
  • chargraves
    chargraves Posts: 65 Member
    Variety is actually a bad idea for weight loss. If you look at the most successful people at weight loss they consistently eat similar meals everyday with very good caloric balance.

    As for your stall my suggestion is actually doing your TDEE calculation is a good start, and set the calorie goal in MFP to that number. However remember that what your activity level is more than what you do at the gym. If you sit on your rear playing video games, watching tv, or in a sedentary lifestyle then you should set your activity level to less active possible. Your largest meals of the day should sit around 350-450 calories, with some snacks sitting with whats left.

    Also, coming from experience losing 101lbs so far, keto is amazing for jump starting your weight loss. Carbs under 50g per day, a good amount of fat, and good lean protein. Also FIBER is your friend, make sure you get a good amount of it. Last bit of advice LOG EVERY THING THAT GOES INTO YOUR MOUTH, get into practice of doing that. If you have a smartphone download the app, if you don't use the computer at work to do it, if you can't do that get yourself a little notebook and write it down and at the end of the day put it into MFP!

    Not everyday is going to be a winner, but that is totally OK, as long as most of them are you are good.

    A note on exercise, cardio is not the enemy, guys seem to get worked up over doing it, and think they look stupid doing it. Get yourself a pedometer of some sort, track your steps and keep track. Make sure you are doing at least 10K steps per day, if you notice you are sitting around 5K, set a goal to get 7.5K take a walk (the extra steps is equivalent to 2.5 miles).

    Good luck on your journey!

    I am glad that this poster has found success with this but OP keep in mind that people are sharing what works best for them. These are not "rules" set in stone. My experience has been a lot different than this poster's but It doesn't make either of us "right". We are both probably eating a balanced diet with exercise thrown in but it's up to the individual to work out what will work for them over the long haul not just what works for the time that it takes to drop the weight.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    So the consensus is the OP is not losing weight due to eating too little and not enough variety in his diet? :huh:

    My advice was to start tracking his calories more diligently and including a wider variety into his diet than a smoothie, tilapia, and broccoli.
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    I actually found a thread where people are promoting the health benefits of pizza! LMAO People will believe anything to justify their bad habits.

    1. Highly processed carbs.
    2. Dairy loaded with fat, cholesterol, hormones, antibiotics, and animal protein.
    3. Meats loaded with fat, cholesterol, hormones, antibiotics, and animal protein.
    4. Processed sugar in sauce.
    5. Cooked at high temps so most of the phytonutrients are destroyed.

    You want pizza that is healthy, try these.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    And the Vegans strike again!
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    You might want to consider listening to vegans if you are trying to lose weight.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    You might want to consider listening to vegans if you are trying to lose weight.

    Oh I havetried the eating **** I don't like diet before. Didn't last long at all
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    You might want to consider listening to vegans if you are trying to lose weight.

    Because going vegan is the only way to lose weight? How exactly have us who are not vegans managed to lose weight? Oh wait CICO.

    Sure, you can do it that way. Or you can ignore calories, eat as much food as you want, and be healthy and full of energy by eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet.

    And it isn't about simply losing weight. It is about being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Since vegans are the only dietary group in the US to maintain a healthy weight, you might want to consider that they know something most other people don't.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    You might want to consider listening to vegans if you are trying to lose weight.

    Because going vegan is the only way to lose weight? How exactly have us who are not vegans managed to lose weight? Oh wait CICO.

    Sure, you can do it that way. Or you can ignore calories, eat as much food as you want, and be healthy and full of energy by eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet.

    And it isn't about simply losing weight. It is about being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Since vegans are the only dietary group in the US to maintain a healthy weight, you might want to consider that they know something most other people don't.

    Well here's something you know that I don't. Why did you decide to become a vegan?
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    And the Vegans strike again!
    And they are almost always the ones with no profile picture, no progress pictures and a closed or blank profile page.

    Just spouting of vegan info with literature to support their claims put out by vegan websites.

    Lol. Pizza being bad for you. Brb....eating pizza 3x this past week and only 5 lbs away from my super vanity goal.

    I support my position with science. I have already achieved my goals, now I am here to help others.

    Congrats on being 5 lbs from your super vanity goal. But health is not entirely about weight. I will eat a cooked vegan pizza every now and then, but I don't fool myself into thinking it is healthy. It has very little nutrients.

    Just because you like something and want to eat it doesn't mean you need to fool yourself into thinking it is healthy. If you recognize stuff as unhealthy, you will be far less likely to over indulge.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    You might want to consider listening to vegans if you are trying to lose weight.

    Because going vegan is the only way to lose weight? How exactly have us who are not vegans managed to lose weight? Oh wait CICO.

    Sure, you can do it that way. Or you can ignore calories, eat as much food as you want, and be healthy and full of energy by eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet.

    And it isn't about simply losing weight. It is about being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Since vegans are the only dietary group in the US to maintain a healthy weight, you might want to consider that they know something most other people don't.

    Eat as much as you want, you say. Lose weight this way, you say.

    I can tell you're going to be fun in the forums.
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    You might want to consider listening to vegans if you are trying to lose weight.

    Because going vegan is the only way to lose weight? How exactly have us who are not vegans managed to lose weight? Oh wait CICO.

    Sure, you can do it that way. Or you can ignore calories, eat as much food as you want, and be healthy and full of energy by eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet.

    And it isn't about simply losing weight. It is about being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Since vegans are the only dietary group in the US to maintain a healthy weight, you might want to consider that they know something most other people don't.

    Well here's something you know that I don't. Why did you decide to become a vegan?


    I went vegan for animal, environmental, and health reasons. I was a very unhealthy, overweight, and had extremely low energy.

    I know what you mean about eating *kitten* you don't like. I never liked salad until I reset my pleasure zone. Here is a video that explains what I mean.

    Now i can eat a salad without dressing, or a very simple raw dressing and I absolutely love it!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    You might want to consider listening to vegans if you are trying to lose weight.

    Because going vegan is the only way to lose weight? How exactly have us who are not vegans managed to lose weight? Oh wait CICO.

    Sure, you can do it that way. Or you can ignore calories, eat as much food as you want, and be healthy and full of energy by eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet.

    And it isn't about simply losing weight. It is about being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Since vegans are the only dietary group in the US to maintain a healthy weight, you might want to consider that they know something most other people don't.

    Well here's something you know that I don't. Why did you decide to become a vegan?


    I went vegan for animal, environmental, and health reasons. I was a very unhealthy, overweight, and had extremely low energy.

    I know what you mean about eating *kitten* you don't like. I never liked salad until I reset my pleasure zone. Here is a video that explains what I mean.

    Now i can eat a salad without dressing, or a very simple raw dressing and I absolutely love it!

    And how do you figure the random population would be as motivated as you to be vegan, despite not having the same ethics and convictions regarding animals and the environment?
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    And the Vegans strike again!
    And they are almost always the ones with no profile picture, no progress pictures and a closed or blank profile page.

    Just spouting of vegan info with literature to support their claims put out by vegan websites.

    Lol. Pizza being bad for you. Brb....eating pizza 3x this past week and only 5 lbs away from my super vanity goal.

    I support my position with science. I have already achieved my goals, now I am here to help others.

    Congrats on being 5 lbs from your super vanity goal. But health is not entirely about weight. I will eat a cooked vegan pizza every now and then, but I don't fool myself into thinking it is healthy. It has very little nutrients.

    Just because you like something and want to eat it doesn't mean you need to fool yourself into thinking it is healthy. If you recognize stuff as unhealthy, you will be far less likely to over indulge.
    Are you saying that I can eat over maintenance and still lose weight? And don't say it's not possible to eat that much because it is
    Can you post evidence that vegans are the only group to maintain a healthy weight?
    What do you do for your vitamin B12 deficiency?
    Pizza does not have very little nutrients if you break it down. Don't let the based documentaries hypnotize you.

    As far as meeting goals:
    Would you like to show the members you progress pictures to see the success you had?
    Would you like to compare with me each of our last full physicals, blood work, ekg, etc to compare how much healthier than I am you are?

    Last question, by any chance do you ride your bike a lot, 15, 20, 25 miles per week?

    Vegans only group of Americans with a healthy BMI on average.

    B12 is a myth. B12 deficiencies are almost always from absorption issues, not consumptions issues.
    "The results of the Framingham Offspring Study indicate that B12 deficiency may be more common than was previously believed. Deficiency is most significantly linked to improper absorption rather than low consumption, as many who consume high amounts of B12 may still experience deficiency."

    Fruits and vegetables have over 10,000 phytochemicals, of which, most are lost due to high temp cooking as is the case with pizza. The nutrients that you see on labels are purely essential nutrients. If macronutrients are like fuel for your car, micronutrients are the oil. Phytochemicals are the mechanics that help keep it running smoothly.

    When striving for health, the goal should be to eat the most nutrients for the fewest number of calories. Dr Joel Fuhrman explains this well.

    Why are you asking me for anecdotal evidence when I am providing you with empirical evidence?

    Something to remember is that you need to parse out the science between those groups that have no financial motive and are only interested in promoting health, and those groups which make money by promoting their products or promoting sickness.
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    You might want to consider listening to vegans if you are trying to lose weight.

    Because going vegan is the only way to lose weight? How exactly have us who are not vegans managed to lose weight? Oh wait CICO.

    Sure, you can do it that way. Or you can ignore calories, eat as much food as you want, and be healthy and full of energy by eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet.

    And it isn't about simply losing weight. It is about being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Since vegans are the only dietary group in the US to maintain a healthy weight, you might want to consider that they know something most other people don't.

    Well here's something you know that I don't. Why did you decide to become a vegan?


    I went vegan for animal, environmental, and health reasons. I was a very unhealthy, overweight, and had extremely low energy.

    I know what you mean about eating *kitten* you don't like. I never liked salad until I reset my pleasure zone. Here is a video that explains what I mean.

    Now i can eat a salad without dressing, or a very simple raw dressing and I absolutely love it!

    And how do you figure the random population would be as motivated as you to be vegan, despite not having the same ethics and convictions regarding animals and the environment?

    Because most people do have a concern for their health and don't want to harm other people. Eating animal products starves millions of people because their food is fed to the animals in which wealthier nations consume.
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    And the Vegans strike again!
    And they are almost always the ones with no profile picture, no progress pictures and a closed or blank profile page.

    Just spouting of vegan info with literature to support their claims put out by vegan websites.

    Lol. Pizza being bad for you. Brb....eating pizza 3x this past week and only 5 lbs away from my super vanity goal.

    I support my position with science. I have already achieved my goals, now I am here to help others.

    Congrats on being 5 lbs from your super vanity goal. But health is not entirely about weight. I will eat a cooked vegan pizza every now and then, but I don't fool myself into thinking it is healthy. It has very little nutrients.

    Just because you like something and want to eat it doesn't mean you need to fool yourself into thinking it is healthy. If you recognize stuff as unhealthy, you will be far less likely to over indulge.
    Are you saying that I can eat over maintenance and still lose weight? And don't say it's not possible to eat that much because it is
    Can you post evidence that vegans are the only group to maintain a healthy weight?
    What do you do for your vitamin B12 deficiency?
    Pizza does not have very little nutrients if you break it down. Don't let the based documentaries hypnotize you.

    As far as meeting goals:
    Would you like to show the members you progress pictures to see the success you had?
    Would you like to compare with me each of our last full physicals, blood work, ekg, etc to compare how much healthier than I am you are?

    Last question, by any chance do you ride your bike a lot, 15, 20, 25 miles per week?

    Vegans only group of Americans with a healthy BMI on average.

    B12 is a myth. B12 deficiencies are almost always from absorption issues, not consumptions issues.
    "The results of the Framingham Offspring Study indicate that B12 deficiency may be more common than was previously believed. Deficiency is most significantly linked to improper absorption rather than low consumption, as many who consume high amounts of B12 may still experience deficiency."

    Fruits and vegetables have over 10,000 phytochemicals, of which, most are lost due to high temp cooking as is the case with pizza. The nutrients that you see on labels are purely essential nutrients. If macronutrients are like fuel for your car, micronutrients are the oil. Phytochemicals are the mechanics that help keep it running smoothly.

    When striving for health, the goal should be to eat the most nutrients for the fewest number of calories. Dr Joel Fuhrman explains this well.

    Why are you asking me for anecdotal evidence when I am providing you with empirical evidence?

    Something to remember is that you need to parse out the science between those groups that have no financial motive and are only interested in promoting health, and those groups which make money by promoting their products or promoting sickness.
    That nbci link did not support your claim that vegans are the only group to maintain a healthy bmi

    Vitamin B12 a myth? Good one.

    Spare me your biased Furman links. You say not to listen to biased websites but I'm sure that's where most if not all of you empirical evidence will come from no doubt.

    You came in touting how you've hit your goals and I am requesting you show the MFP members your progress and what you have achieved. That's not asking much.

    Also, answer the bike riding question.

    Mean BMI was lowest in vegans (23.6 kg/m(2)) and incrementally higher in lacto-ovo vegetarians (25.7 kg/m(2)), pesco-vegetarians (26.3 kg/m(2)), semi-vegetarians (27.3 kg/m(2)), and nonvegetarians (28.8 kg/m(2)).