MFP has changed



  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Still waiting for people to tell me what they have actually done to help people on the forums.

    I'm waiting.

    (No one ever answers this, which is telling.)

    I try to help people by correcting misinformation, heck I even try to be nice about it. But sadly it falls on blind eyes. If it's already been said I will quote it and say this is correct or QFT and even add if I can.

    I posted a topic today explaining why 1200 calories is not the only option and only got two responses. It was non-judgmental and factual. I did not tell people what or how to eat. It is kind of long but I can get wordy. But after a 29 yr old man was bragging about starting at 1200 calories I felt the need to try and educate the new folks, all of whom lately seem to think 1200 calories is the only answer. I think I'll just leave that here since we're talking about helping people and not whining:
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    Most are just being a cheerleader and congratulating folks...not tearing them down, boo.

    So most of 23 posts in almost three years?

    Are you just pacing yourself?

    Seriously, if you feel so strongly about the proper way to interact in the forums, you're not going to make a difference with one post every six weeks. Get in them how it's the change you want to see in others.

    Or continue lecturing others on what you think they're doing wrong under the mistaken belief that it will make a difference.

    Personally, I think you'll make more progress with the former...

    ...but that's just my opinion.

    Everyone is allowed an opinion, you know what they say. I'm sure it will make no difference to anyone other than to the OP. Thank you and goodnight.

    I'm kind of in for hearing the opinions of people who don't post often, especially after noticing in recent days some people saying out loud that they are deciding to become "lurkers" for fear of being made to feel stupid for asking questions.

    I can say that I've read mfp forum posts before I even joined. I'm a listener, so I like reading other people's thoughts. I decided to get back on mfp about a month ago. This time around I thought I'd try to use the community feature more because apparently this aids in weight loss - having a support group.

    Within days, I made the mistake of getting into it with a senior member that I believe was rude. Some people may not agree.
    Anyhow, I had someone inbox me and tell me they too felt the same, but was not sure if they should call this member out in fear of being attacked.

    I completely understand this is the internet, but I think some of the words people hurl at each other is really unecessary.
    And I say hurl because sometimes the content is good, but the delivery is terrible.
    When people say "toughen up, there are big bad people in the world," that is completely true. But let us not forget the really sensitive people that cannot mentally handle people like that, and turn to acts like suicide.

    I'm just saying, we don't know who's behind the computer screen and how they will receive our message, so we must TRY to at least have a little tact.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I've been using MFP for two years. It took me awhile to figure out there were forums but when I did a whole new world was opened to me. I'm a changed person.

    Because of the forums I have learned so much and I am now healthier than I've ever been and I thank MFP for it.

    Are there mean people? I haven't seen any and I'm on here daily. I've seen people not sugar coat their answers. I've seen people be blunt and terse but I've never, ever seen anyone be mean.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    There's an old saying:

    "Times change, people don't".

    Working in a fitness environment for more than half my life, I hear a lot of the same here as I have over that period of time in gyms, fitness centers, etc. Some will support, some will encourage, some will be blunt, some will be tactless. Take the good with the bad.
    What I do believe is that people DON'T focus as much on the positive as they do the negative when it comes to forums or life in general. Our environment likes to meander around and sensationalize negative news and events. You see it at newstands, magazines, and TV on a daily basis.
    IMO, the ratio is for every one positive thing a person can remember, there are 5 negative things they will associate with it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Ahhh...the daily mean people thread.

  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Most are just being a cheerleader and congratulating folks...not tearing them down, boo.

    So most of 23 posts in almost three years?

    Are you just pacing yourself?

    Seriously, if you feel so strongly about the proper way to interact in the forums, you're not going to make a difference with one post every six weeks. Get in them how it's the change you want to see in others.

    Or continue lecturing others on what you think they're doing wrong under the mistaken belief that it will make a difference.

    Personally, I think you'll make more progress with the former...

    ...but that's just my opinion.

    Everyone is allowed an opinion, you know what they say. I'm sure it will make no difference to anyone other than to the OP. Thank you and goodnight.

    I'm kind of in for hearing the opinions of people who don't post often, especially after noticing in recent days some people saying out loud that they are deciding to become "lurkers" for fear of being made to feel stupid for asking questions.

    I can say that I've read mfp forum posts before I even joined. I'm a listener, so I like reading other people's thoughts. I decided to get back on mfp about a month ago. This time around I thought I'd try to use the community feature more because apparently this aids in weight loss - having a support group.

    Within days, I made the mistake of getting into it with a senior member that I believe was rude. Some people may not agree.
    Anyhow, I had someone inbox me and tell me they too felt the same, but was not sure if they should call this member out in fear of being attacked.

    I completely understand this is the internet, but I think some of the words people hurl at each other is really unecessary.
    And I say hurl because sometimes the content is good, but the delivery is terrible.
    When people say "toughen up, there are big bad people in the world," that is completely true. But let us not forget the really sensitive people that cannot mentally handle people like that, and turn to acts like suicide.

    I'm just saying, we don't know who's behind the computer screen and how they will receive our message, so we must TRY to at least have a little tact.

    Agree with this. Delivery not alwaya great but I think people genuinely want to help
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    This site is moderated. Not too strictly but somewhat anyway. Imagine what the usual suspects would say if they could get away with it! On second thought don't. It's better not to even go there.

    "Not too strictly"? Seriously? I don't mean to be rude, but that's about the furthest thing from the truth. I've been on the internet since some really early days (2400baud on a Kermit terminal about 20 years ago) and this site has the heaviest-handed moderation of any of them. I have gotten strikes, and friends have gotten banned over the silliest, most innocuous things ever. It is literally mind-boggling, the level of moderation this site has.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Still waiting for people to tell me what they have actually done to help people on the forums.

    I'm waiting.

    (No one ever answers this, which is telling.)

    I've sent beer to a couple members. What have you done that is better than that? (trick question, nothing is better than that)
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I've sent beer to a couple members. What have you done that is better than that? (trick question, nothing is better than that)

    I'll be the judge of that... :drinker:
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    I agree that sometimes some of the usual suspects don't sugarcoat and could be more 'tactful' in their delivery. I have seen some mark and plenty of gifts. But, I also think people tend to see negativity and meanness wherever there is disagreement. Part of the problem with written communication is the loss of facial expressions and tone. That can actually help sometimes but, often, it means that meanness is detected where none was intended
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    This site is moderated. Not too strictly but somewhat anyway. Imagine what the usual suspects would say if they could get away with it! On second thought don't. It's better not to even go there.

    "Not too strictly"? Seriously? I don't mean to be rude, but that's about the furthest thing from the truth. I've been on the internet since some really early days (2400baud on a Kermit terminal about 20 years ago) and this site has the heaviest-handed moderation of any of them. I have gotten strikes, and friends have gotten banned over the silliest, most innocuous things ever. It is literally mind-boggling, the level of moderation this site has.

    :sad: I got strikes for the most stupid things. It really does amaze me. People can get away with a poop ton of poop in this place TOWARDS me but if I even fire back or hell dont even damn fire back I get a strike. Makes it not worth the typing most of the time.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    "If you are lonely and need a friend that does not judge you, get a dog or cat. "

    I totally agree and whilst you are at it toughen yourself up. Its a cruel world outside of your home.

    So MFP can't be different? Does everything need to be horrid?
    It just bad manners.
    If you can't be nice or helpful, don't write anything.
    Even if nice or helpful means supporting something dangerous or inaccurate?

    There are nice ways of communicating even if the message isn't particularly nice. Education works a lot better than a smackdown. Not too long ago, some people were smug and happy about chasing away another newbie through utterly horrible posts. I believe in honesty, sometimes extremely blunt honesty, but such nastiness is just sad.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This site is moderated. Not too strictly but somewhat anyway. Imagine what the usual suspects would say if they could get away with it! On second thought don't. It's better not to even go there.

    "Not too strictly"? Seriously? I don't mean to be rude, but that's about the furthest thing from the truth. I've been on the internet since some really early days (2400baud on a Kermit terminal about 20 years ago) and this site has the heaviest-handed moderation of any of them. I have gotten strikes, and friends have gotten banned over the silliest, most innocuous things ever. It is literally mind-boggling, the level of moderation this site has.

    :sad: I got strikes for the most stupid things. It really does amaze me. People can get away with a poop ton of poop in this place TOWARDS me but if I even fire back or hell dont even damn fire back I get a strike. Makes it not worth the typing most of the time.

    Interestingly enough, your post is likely technically a violation of the CG.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    "If you are lonely and need a friend that does not judge you, get a dog or cat. "

    I totally agree and whilst you are at it toughen yourself up. Its a cruel world outside of your home.

    So MFP can't be different? Does everything need to be horrid?
    It just bad manners.
    If you can't be nice or helpful, don't write anything.
    Even if nice or helpful means supporting something dangerous or inaccurate?

    There are nice ways of communicating even if the message isn't particularly nice. Education works a lot better than a smackdown. Not too long ago, some people were smug and happy about chasing away another newbie through utterly horrible posts. I believe in honesty, sometimes extremely blunt honesty, but such nastiness is just sad.

    Reference please. (I see these claims often, but almost never are they supported with an actual link to the egregious behavior. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but it would strengthen your argument considerably if you could provide some support.)
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    "If you are lonely and need a friend that does not judge you, get a dog or cat. "

    I totally agree and whilst you are at it toughen yourself up. Its a cruel world outside of your home.

    So MFP can't be different? Does everything need to be horrid?
    It just bad manners.
    If you can't be nice or helpful, don't write anything.
    Even if nice or helpful means supporting something dangerous or inaccurate?

    There are nice ways of communicating even if the message isn't particularly nice. Education works a lot better than a smackdown. Not too long ago, some people were smug and happy about chasing away another newbie through utterly horrible posts. I believe in honesty, sometimes extremely blunt honesty, but such nastiness is just sad.

    Reference please. (I see these claims often, but almost never are they supported with an actual link to the egregious behavior. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but it would strengthen your argument considerably if you could provide some support.)

    I can't remember the thread, but it did happen. It was a newbie being a jerk.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    I have found that people aren't mean, they are just direct... and most of the helpful members have been here a long time answering the same exact question ad nauseam. What I am tired of seeing are the members who just joined answering good questions with crap advice, that's when a flame war usually starts.. because at that point the thread is already boned and kitty gifs are the only option.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I don't know OP I think it's pretty good except when people fly off the handle when you disagree with them. Cool motorcycle by the way.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Ignore the jerks. You know, just like real life.
  • angiez93
    angiez93 Posts: 63
    I absolutely agree! It would be shameful if someone were to leave MFP because they felt attacked, and it DOES happen.
    People are much nastier on the internet than they are in real life, and many were not taught to disagree tactfully and kindly. Sadly there's not much we can do. I mostly avoid the forums for this reason.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    OP needs a tackle hug and an e-noogie.