

  • Day off for me today, tomorrow I go for W8d1 - woo hoo! Am still horribly slow, running at 7.5 km/h, when I tried at 8km/h (which I had done on the shorter runs) I ended up with my first (and hopefully only) failed run of 15 minutes on a 20 min run. Will have to go for time over distance for now.
  • Delighted to say w5d3 done and it was ok! haven't been able to run for 20 minutes since my teens. Actually looking forward to w6d1 now - bring it on!
  • W5d2 done - cannot believe I could do it without being about to die! the run segments did feel long but the last 4 weeks have taught me to pace myself so I just kept it slow and steady (7.5k/h) and managed without having to stop. Am glad it didn't feel like an impossible challenge though, I've somehow got to find a way to…
  • Well done everyone despite phone glitches et al. As today's a rest between runs I did some interval training on the bike in the gym - am still not feeling very motivated with my cross-training but I suppose 20 mins is better than none. Last day of w4 tomorrow!
  • Managed to get a run in this morning whilst at the in-laws, which meant running on grass verges and dodging cowpats (only my second run outside). Cant believe I did it, the last 5 min run was definitely a challenge but I kept jogging to whole time, so w4d2 done!
  • I completed w4d1 yesterday and I can't believe I managed to run for 5 min, twice! Whilst I wasn't a total couch potato before I started, in that I would occasionally do the odd half hour on an elliptical, I have never been able to run for more than a minute before my lungs were on fire. C25k has been a total revelation to…
  • You'll never regret having tried, but you may regret not trying (of course this does not apply if you've heading for an injury).
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