rawmama232 Member


  • You could look up raw food diet, give it a try, so far it's working for me. How much pasta and grains, and dairy are you eating? Once I stopped eating those, I lost a lot of weight, probably water weight because it made me retain water. Also, have you tried isometrics? Bodyflex is a program that I lost inches with every…
  • The tip that I have found consistently works quickly is eating a lot, and I mean a lot, of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Basically the raw food diet. And making sure you definitely eat over 1200 calories up to 2000 or above, which does take a bit of effort because the calorie count is lower on the foods except…
  • I've made this before without eggs. That would get rid of 200 calories. I think that I'll increase the number of vegetables and cut back on the rice also to cut back on calories but still have loads of flavor. That way I can eat a whole pepper, or even 2 guilt free :) WOOHOO! :) I am going to make this this week, sounds…
  • If you are willing to make your own fruit smoothies, I recommend blending up the Breakfast Smoothie that Dr. Oz had recommended on his one show, which has berries, banana, lemon, almond butter, spinach (or other green, variety is recommended), flax seeds, water. You could put the whey powder in there instead of the almond…
  • I danced 11 songs in 40 minutes. Actually 45 but I am deducting 5 minutes of that for setting up the songs each time one ended. From what I've read, each song burns roughly 20 calories. 11 songs x 20 = 220 calories burned. MFP "Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist" category for 40 minutes exercising = 228 calories…
  • I was wondering the same thing...I liked the idea stated to write it down on the calendar 5 weeks from today, each day, just to see if it's close :) I wasn't sure if it meant 5 weeks from the day I started, or 5 weeks from every single day...guess it's from looking forward from every single day. Thanks for asking! :) Guess…
  • I have the Greer Childer's Bodyflex Advanced which is a 9 minute routine. Looks goofy, but it seriously works. I can lose inches before I even lose pounds, and I was measuring myself each weekend to make sure it works and isn't a waste of time. My stomach tightened up even after the first few days. Unfortunately it is only…
  • What exercises did you do on your rebounder for toned legs, and how long/often did you rebound per day/week? Thanks for the way of figuring out the calories depending on how much you weigh, that is exactly what I needed to have! "(Mr. Urban Rebounder Himself). His formula takes your body weight x .0643 to get your…