sheilaraesch Member


  • If your trying to loose weight you will be hungry. But I agree with the more protein and fiber. Maybe a fiber drink? If I am hungry and have eaten what I should as up to that point I try things like going for a walk, or getting outside and the fresh air helps, reading a book, anything to distract my mind from food. Some of…
  • I added 500 calories as a "custom exercise" each day and changed my goal to maintain weight. I'm 5'2" and 125 lbs. I ate about 1700 calories or a bit more each day and did cardio and weights 4-6 times a week. I did feel that my milk dried up before a year was up because I was exerting more calories than I was taking in so…
  • I get up before my daughter and husband do and go to the gym. If I try to go after work it wont happen. The first month of it sucked... then I started to love the "me" time. I would say find a time that works best and stick with it until it becomes a routine... either before the kids are up or after they go to bed. Also,…
  • I started with this after my LO. I know you said you can't make it to the gym so most of her beginning month is all body weight and stuff you can do at home.