Working moms with young children...

Looking to connect with other moms with young children. How do you fit in exercise, how do you eat healthy in spite of being busy... tips? Ideas? Tricks?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I meal prep on Sundays. It took a long time initially, but learning to make one or two large meals and split it for lunches through the week saves more time and hassle. Initially I would cook a bunch of individual lunches. Now I make chili or chicken or soups in large batches. Takes a few minutes to start up and then I can clean while it's cooking. If you make more than you need for a week you can freeze some for another week. I also make a large batch of eggs or oatmeal for breakfast.

    I workout on my lunch hour. I am lucky that I have a gym near my work. Other go for a walk on their lunch hour and workout at home either before work or after the kids are in bed.
  • Hipp706
    Hipp706 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there! I'm a mum of 4 (15,12,3,2) and I work full time. I've found that exercising once the young ones are asleep is the best way to fit it in. I like to work out with kettlebells, or on the treadmill. I do so in front of the television so I can catch up on a tv show whilst I exercise rather than sitting on the sofa.
    I do mostly eat healthy. I try to consume mostly fruit during the day - it's ready made and some bagged salad as its quick to pour out the packets and throw a few tomatoes, cucumber etc. Evening meals we all eat the same, and I tend to do something wholesome and filling (baked potatoes/chilli/curry etc) so that it's healthy and filling for us all. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Bettina82
    Bettina82 Posts: 30 Member
    I work part time and have a 4 and 14 year old. I take my little one to the gym with me on my days off work. On Sunday we cook a lot of meat/dishes to eat through the week... Pork chops, chicken breasts and tenders, spaghetti, meatloaf, salmon... Then it can be heated up quick! Tonight the kids had spaghetti and I had grilled chicken on a salad. I also keep veggies washed and cut up so I can just grab it when I want a snack. Having food prepped and ready helps me not turn to pizza or fast food when it's 6 o'clock and everyone is hungry!
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    prep and planning are def going to be the keys to success. I get up earlier to get my stuff done before everyone else is up and the day starts. that works for me.
  • LCowles87
    LCowles87 Posts: 27 Member
    I have 5 kids that are 11,3,2 and 8 month old twins. I make sure our fridge is stocked with fruits, veggies, yogurts, and healthy prepared snacks so I don't find myself getting lazy and hungry and grabbing a pop tart.

    I don't have much time to get to the gym but I try my best to get my home workouts done in between other duties. Today i did workouts around the babies and used them As free weights.

    I stopped using my everyday responsibilities As a excuse... I carve out the time to take care of myself!
  • MurphmomSparkles
    MurphmomSparkles Posts: 208 Member
    Focus on sleep hygiene for a week and then be amazed at how it changes your perspective.
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    I have a 6 year old, a 3 year old, and a 2 year old. I work out in the morning before anyone else gets up and then sometimes a bit right after work before we pick them up from daycare. As far as eating is concerned, I try to eat a fairly healthy low calorie breakfast and lunch. My husband does all the cooking for dinners, and is usually pretty good about healthy options and portion sizes. My struggle is after dinner candy noshing.....
  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    I've got a 2 year old, and work 40 hours a week (mercifully).

    I am still trying to figure out the exercise part, and am thisclose to joining a gym. I'm one of those people who, if I'm paying for it, I will use it, and I think that might be the only thing that is going to motivate me to start. My tentative plan is that I would go in the mornings before my husband and the kiddo are up, for about an hour.

    As for food, I feel like I've got a good handle on that. DH cooks dinner the vast majority of the time, and I just make sure that if it's something that's really caloric, I have a smaller portion. However, I almost never know what we're eating ahead of time, so I have to make sure that the rest of my day is on lock.

    Costco is my friend. We buy lots of healthy, easy, convenience foods there: multigrain crackers, string cheese, Greek yogurt, fruit, veggies, sardines, nuts, chia seeds, apple sauce, black bean burgers, salmon patties, rotisserie chicken, etc. I am able to store quite a bit at my desk at work and we have a shared fridge, so I take advantage of that. I meal prep on Sunday for lunches, and then I make my Greek yogurt breakfast at night when I make my daughter's lunch for school. I know some people get tired of having the same thing everyday, but I have a different dinner every day, so this works for me.

    Also second the sleep suggestion made earlier. :)
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    i am mama to a 5 year old and work full time.

    i recently joined a gym...i bring my gym bag with me to work, get changed at work, and go straight to the gym (do not pass 'go', do not collect $200) because, if i go home first, i'll never make it to the gym! i also work wonderful hours, so i'm home by 5:30 on gym nights and don't feel too robbed of time with DH and DS. i know "me" and i won't work out at home no matter what equipment or videos i have. i do spend 1 afternoon a week jiggling (that's my version of jogging...more like jogging meets wiggling LOL) and then try to incorporate some sort of family activity into every weekend.

    food is a toughie for my family because none of us eats the same thing. on gym nights, i pick up a salad on my way home and DH eats whatever junk he wants. on other nights, i cook mostly clean meals. DS eats like 3 foods, so there's that.

    the biggest thing for me is the realization that i have to make time if i want time...meaning, i must make time now to get fit if i want to meet my grandchildren someday. heart disease and high blood pressure run in my family, so i try to take off my rose tinted glasses and accept that i'll be exactly that statistic if i don't put in the work now.

    good luck to you, mama!
  • sheilaraesch
    sheilaraesch Posts: 6 Member
    I get up before my daughter and husband do and go to the gym. If I try to go after work it wont happen. The first month of it sucked... then I started to love the "me" time. I would say find a time that works best and stick with it until it becomes a routine... either before the kids are up or after they go to bed. Also, some days it will not happen... it's okay :) I have friends that do an at home video routine. That works on days you can or don't have the ability to make it to the gym.

    Food... tough... meal prep... I plan a weeks worth of recipes, go to the grocery store and get everything we need. Then during the week there is no "what should I make." I like recipes from Skinny Taste. She has some quick low calorie recipes.
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm a mom of 2 kids (6&2). I work full time and my job requires me to go several different places daily, so food prep is a struggle since I'm in the car so much. I honestly just started exercise again. My kids sleep is pretty non-existent when they were younger, so it was all I could do to make it through my day! My husband works shift work (fireman) and works 2 other jobs so help at home is nonexistent sometimes.
    With all that, I've found that scheduling my time is what I need to do. I walk a lot! I also do Jillian or other DVDs early before work. After I get home, get dinner made, homework, baths and bed, I'm pretty exhausted. So morning is my best time. Also, I get out and play with the kids. Jumping on a trampoline or climbing play sets burns a ton of calories and encourages active lifestyle with my kids.