star0205 Member


  • I have gone a month as of yesterday without drinking a soda. It hasn't been easy but I am doing it. I have done a little bit more exercise and I have lost 6lbs last month. This month I am aiming to exercise more then what I have been. I have done better then normal but still want to do more. I am still aiming my goal to…
    in 3/1/2013 Comment by star0205 March 2013
  • I have lost 5.4lbs so far. My goal for each month is 4lbs just 1lb a month and so to have that extra is just a bonus. I am happy to be losing. I am going to make sure to exercise more this month so that I know I am giving it my all. I am also working on giving up sodas all together and drinking just water. :happy:
  • Sorry I have not responded sooner. I know that we can all reach our goals this year. I decided to save $5 for every lb I lose so that January 2014 I can spend the $ on me to do whatever I want. I am thinking that if I lose the full 52lbs then I will get me a few outfits. It wont be a huge amount but I love to go to…
  • Thank you! So far today has been good. I have been tempted by a few things but have thankfully said no. My dad who is also losing weight and doing great will still give in to my sons and give them things that are very tempting. Day 1 and I am being strong so far.