koalalovely Member


  • It is amazing how many negative things are said about Herbalife on here. Personally I love it. It is not a quick fix to the mounds of fat some people carry, but it works at a relatively fast way to boost your nutrition.Yeah you can do two shakes a day and start seeing results eventually, just like eating properly OCD…
  • I run a fitness blog..kind of like my journey to my ultimate goal weight. howiloseit.tumblr.com
  • My friends are, well how can I say this without being mean (since they are my friends after all), "big boned" and they think there is nothing wrong being 300lbs plus. They know I am trying to loose the excess since my grandmother died of a massive stroke because of her eating habits. They just dont see being 220 a big…
  • ME! Pick me! If you keep me going, I'll keep you going. I fell off the health wagon once and definitely do not plan on falling off again.
  • Reading this made me thing about one of my fellow fitblr's blog post. Here is a link to the post and its A LOT of information that should be useful. It talks about what to do before and talks about appetizers and bottomless servings of foods. Give it a read if you like…
  • There is always me! I also run a "fitblr" on tumblr and the guilt free recipes I post and try myself are superb if you're open minded about whats in it. (By open minded I mean giving new foods a shot)
  • When I get a craving I count to 100, brush my teeth, and drink a glass of water. If that doesnt help I get out the almond milk and chocolate protein mix for a chocolaty guilt free treat