

  • Congratulations! Just keep up the work.. working out during pregnancy and staying in shape makes it SO much easier for your body to bounce back after the baby is born! :)
  • Here's some advice, STOP with the dieting! Diets hardly work for people long term because it's hard to stay on them and stay satisfied. Try doing things one by one that work for you, rather than an immediate overhaul of your lifestyle. Start by spacing out your meals, making them smaller, eating small snacks in between.…
  • iPhone is just a popular phone, but it's not the best you can get for the high price.. go with something because it has what you want! Compare what you get to the price of the phone. What service do you use? Android phones come highly recommended in my family. My husband has a Motorola Droid, I have a HTC Thunderbolt, my…
  • What great progress for one week! We've changed our lives so much just by changing what we eat.. it's AMAZING! Great job, keep it up!!
  • You look AMAZING. I can only imagine how this has transformed your life. Besides the weight, you look happier and healthier! What a GREAT JOB. This goes to show ANYONE CAN DO IT and hard work DOES PAY OFF!!
  • I don't have a particular recipe, but I keep frozen fruit in my freezer year round. Buy it on sale and freeze it. I peel bananas, cut them in chunks and freeze them. Add about 1/2 cup frozen fruit, 1/2 cup yogurt (choose greek yogurt or low-calorie plain or vanilla yogurt. I love stoneybrook organic vanilla yogurt. Add 1…
  • I'm 5'10" and have the same problem. I think treadmills tend to just be way off. :P
  • Just as a thought, something I've discovered on my weight loss journey.. Yoplait Light actually has HFCS which Original Yoplait does not. I agree with the comments about flavored yogurt not being a proper weight loss tool. Now, instead of yogurt, I will actually have some cottage cheese with a little bit of fruit or…
  • Caity you know I think you look GREAT.. I've told you so many times.. you are such an inspiration to me! I really hope to be wearing a dress soon as well. I hope you are able to find a new dress to treat yourself to! :)
  • That is so awesome! I have one of those dresses - a red one, though. I last wore it when I was 18 and I'm 24 and have had issues with weight due to type 1 diabetes. I can't wait to slip it on one day! Thanks for the motivation! :)
  • I don't think I've ever been to the point where I can literally starve weight off myself... I love food way too much. But in my severe down times, I have been known to purge when I feel guilty for what I've eaten.. even if I had 4 oz of chicken and a small salad, it's in my head, I'll have a depressing week and suddenly…