andreanichole82 Member


  • I walk every single day with my Dexter boy! As soon as I get home from work it's like he knows! I get the harness and away we go! It relieves stress for me and energy for him! I truly enjoy walking with my buddy :)
  • Hi ! I am a mom of 4 . 2 teens and 2 youngins. I work 50+ hours a week but make sure when I get home I immediately change into "workout" clothes and at least take a1.5-2 mile walk with my dog. Not only is it exercise it's a little "me" time. I always tell myself I have to do it!
  • David- I'm 5'4" and 204 . I was 140 when we met 10 years ago before 3 c-sections. Not that it is any excuse. I am just comfortable I guess. I mean I'm a mom of 4 who works 55 hours a week and when I get home I usually cook a meal and help with homework etc. I had my routine down to a science last year . He is 6'5" and like…
  • Thanks everyone.. I truly appreciate the kind words. I just have to find my motivation again. I was doing so good last year. When you wear scrubs everyday for work I guess you just get comfortable lol...
  • I am also on the 1200 calorie plan. It's working for me so far . I completely changed the way I eat, and now I'm not as hungry or feel as sleepy :)
  • Thank you ladies for the confidence !! I truly appreciate it !!
  • I also sit in an office all day , and my eating habits consist of crap !! Just remember patience !!! You can do it !!