

  • August was a horrible month, stopped all my momentum. Need to get back on track and hopefully this Challenge will help (First time I've been in a challenge. I've been to this stage before and have never 'righted' the ship. Hopefully I can catch myself before I fall further cause the 300lb mark is just around the corner and…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions, I will try the protein shake to see if that helps (since I have them handy) and eat back 1/2 of my excercise calories..
  • I found that I was getting pain in my shins from the treadmill/walking at golf I switched to the elipticle and found I could do that pain free for an hour. If you want to excercise I would suggest try an elipticle machine, it worked for me. I'm hoping once I lose more weight I can expand to other activities.
  • I agree w/ the Dog I have a dog and he is the biggest reason that I continue to walk. (he actually bugs me if I don't walk him) I used to do about 3 laps a night (approx 20-30 minutes) but over time I now walk him about 1 hr a night. Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
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