Exercise: How do I get started?

Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
First, let me tell you that I DON'T WANT TO EXERCISE. There. I said it.

I walk about 20 minutes a day, at a pace as fast as the street lights and traffic allow - 10 minutes to my office and then 10 minutes back to my car.

I have a treadmill at home with a DVD player in front of it.

I have a very very small, dusty weight set and no weight bench.

I have an enormous yard that takes at least half of every Saturday to maintain - 1 - 2 hours of mowing, then clean up, weeding, and the like. (I'm not saying I like it, but if I don't do it the jungle will reclaim civilization and we will be like the Mayas.)

And I am simply not motivated to go out into the garage and walk/run. I do not like walking/running in the rain.

So as far as I can see my problem is more motivation than anything else. Plus, since I have not really exercised much in any regular way for 30+ years, I can't say that I know how to fit it into my lifestyle.

So let's pretend the following happens:
1. I get some super motivation and I make the choice to exercise
2. I look around for ways to exercise

If 1 and 2 become true, what methods do you suggest I start doing for exercise. Remember, I haven't really exercised in 30 years, so I have little memory of how it's done, whether from a formal exercise program or from "quick and easy things you can do without anyone in your office noticing."


  • adfranks
    adfranks Posts: 161 Member
    I would start by adding up what you do already. You can track the time it takes you to walk to and from your car and your yard work! Once you start with that, you can add to it slowly, and you will likely feel more willing to exercise as the weight comes off... When I started, I didn't like walking 10 minutes to my car!!! Now, I am 116 lbs lighter and feel more like doing it. I even take the stairs every time now. I never would have walked up 2 floors when I started.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    May I suggest a video..... Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred... it can be challenging but it is a great workout w/ 3 levels. With warm up & cool down it is about 25 minutes. Just think.... you can 'suffer' through about anything for 25 minutes...for 30 days....
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Walking is perfect. Just up your time/distance alittle every week. Weight training can be next with 20 minutes 2 times a week.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    For people who hate the idea of exercise, sometimes it helps to get involved in an active activity or class that you enjoy. For instance, my 70 year old brother lives in New York City. He walks almost everywhere he goes, does Tai Chi a few times a week, and has been playing tennis since he was in college. He NEVER exercises, but he is in great shape. So, if you have a YMCA, start trying some classes, or take a few tennis lessons. When you find something you enjoy, try to do it 3-4 times per week. Sometimes the motivation to improve performance in another activity will motivate people to do additional conditioning work as well, but you have to start somewhere. Good luck!

    Gardening actually burns a lot of calories, so maybe you'd like to add some vegetables or flower beds to your enormous yard...just another idea that would keep you active without seeming like exercise.
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    I'm with you - I hate to sweat and I hate to be sore. The one thing I really enjoy is yoga - and not wii fit easy yoga, but a really challenging yoga. A good yoga program will get you sweating. And you might be sore, but just a little bit. Not crazy sore like after using weights.

    I find that I feel SOOOO great after yoga, that I actually WANT to work out. My body just starts to crave movement. So ... whenever I've found that I've stopped working out for a while, I always start with yoga, and then find myself WANTING to add in cardio and weights.

    You can check out some yoga dvds from the library. I personally like Hatha yoga. I would try a number of different dvds until you find one that REALLY gets you to stretch. You'll know it when you've got it. It's not just warm up stretching - when you do it right, you tap into something primitive in your muscles, and you can come away from a 30 minute session with a little bit of a high. It just feels good and complements other exercise really well. Good luck!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I love your post, the honesty is great.
    Walking is great exercise without killing your joints. If you have the tv and dvd player in front of ya, pop in a movie and walk till you can't walk anymore. Your mind will be busy with the movie.
    Just remember, don't lose heart. You can do it!
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Well, obviously you can handle walking so start with that. Here's what I always do and it has helped me quite a lot. After dinner go for an after dinner stroll, it helps digestion and can be very relaxing. If you have someone to stroll with you, all the better. A good conversation makes the time fly. When running errands to places within a mile or so, ditch the car and walk. I use my treadmill 3 or 4 times a week, but I only ever walk ( I have an Achilles injury that limits intensity for me). I time it to last as long as a favorite tv show, then I get off. I have a couple of cheap weights as well. Sit on a chair and use them to do some basic arm exercises, do this for a few minutes a couple of time a week. I do them watching the news. Stretching, pushups, crunches can all be done for a few minutes when waking up in the morning. All together, this will take very little time and will ease you into a routine you can enjoy. ter a few months, you can stretch out the walking and the weights, but only if you are ready. This is a journey, not a race, good luck!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I spent the last 5 years in the Marine Corps and I HATE exercising. I learned a lot about exercising but I still hated it. After having two kids I still need to get back in shape and so I joined this site. That was a great first step for you. Now for the exercise ideas.

    Run Intervals (can be done on a treadmill or a sidewalk):
    Do a 5 minute warm up walk, start out at an easy pace and speed up to a quick walk.
    Run 1 minute, run as fast as is comfortable and eventually you will get faster
    Walk for 2 minutes, this is a recovery period so keep walking at a medium pace
    Repeat the 1 minute run and 2 minute walk until you reach 30 minutes (If 30 minutes is long then cut it down to 20)
    (You start your runs on these minute markers: 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29)
    Do a cool down walk

    Hill Intervals
    Outside you can find a nice steep hill to walk up and down 15 times
    On a treadmill alternate 1 minute at a 1 incline and 1 minute at a 3-5 incline at a quick walk. Aim to increase the incline.

    I also do workouts from Bodyrock.tv they have some great cardio and strength workouts! You will need to add strength exercises in because they keep your metabolism up for longer than cardio does. There's a lot to know about resistance training so if you want more ideas message me.
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    I was in the same boat 2 years and 142 pounds ago! Walking was (and still is) my main form of exercise. I found that if I record a TV show that I really enjoy and tell myself that the only time I can watch it is while I'm on the treadmill or recumbent bike, then I have no problem walking or biking while watching the show. My other big problem was that I knew my habit - I might exercise for a few weeks, then I'd come up with some excuse to stop. So, I went to the local animal shelter and specifically asked the workers there for a dog who LOVES to walk. Now, my doggie alarm clock wakes me up every morning at 5:30am for a long walk, and as soon as I get home from work, she's howling at me and ready to go for another one! I know that's not a viable option for everyone, but you need to find your motivation - the thing that will help you stick to it and avoid making excuses.
  • Hnfjw
    Hnfjw Posts: 6
    I agree w/ the Dog
    I have a dog and he is the biggest reason that I continue to walk. (he actually bugs me if I don't walk him)
    I used to do about 3 laps a night (approx 20-30 minutes) but over time I now walk him about 1 hr a night.

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  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I was the same way. I looked at the philosophy of it takes 30 days to make or break a habit. I can be a bit stubborn so I set myself up. I had to exercise everyday for 6 weeks. Everybody kept telling me I should take days off, but I do have a very sedentary job. I sit on my butt all day. I figure if I can't get up and do something for 1/2 hr each day, then I'm in worse shape than I thought. If you have an active job maybe you could do the same thing. Set up 30 days or more and set up to exercise at least 4 times a week.

    After I did that, I can't stand not exercising. I feel better. I look forward to relieving stress. Give it a shot and try to make that habit.
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Gardening actually burns a lot of calories, so maybe you'd like to add some vegetables or flower beds to your enormous yard...just another idea that would keep you active without seeming like exercise.

    oh god no.

    I already am overwhelmed. :smile:

    I did just get 6 new wisteria and a lilac, so I'll be planting those this week.

    I am trying to reduce the number of maintenance tasks I have.
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    By the way, THANKS for all the replies. I am obviously looking for support as much as I'm looking for information. You all keep me honest!
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I bought the 30 day shred DVD and about died for three days following... I had a hard time even lifting my coffee mug and went down the steps on my bottom since my legs were too wobbly to support myself without worry of falling.

    I prefer to be at home than at a class, but I can't do those DVD's that make me so sore. I'm gonna try the C25K (couch to 5K) with a friend of mine who also wants to try it, and is also out of shape. I suggest finding a buddy to exercise with. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to run a 5K!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I also use TV, LOVE netflix. I watch an episode or two of a series I like on netflix app for my phone while at the gym on the treadmill and elliptical.

    I started slower though, I walked my dog up my street crossed it, up to the next light and then back home. It was about a mile. I figured once I got across the street and to the next stoplight I had no choice but to keep going, if I wanted to get back home ;)

    I also did Wii fit games, and a little stair stepper machine I bought @ Target for under $100. Eventually I felt like that wasn't enough and braved my way to the gym.
  • junepg
    junepg Posts: 12 Member
    I recently joined Gold's Gym and in the last six weeks I've taken Zumba, Body Combat and Body Jam. This is about music and moving and having an hour fly by! You've got to MOVE IT MOVE IT in different ways and these exercise/dance/cardio classes are FUN and full of people just trying something new. You can go as easy or intense as you want. The group mentality will push you to want more, do more, MOVE more. I'm up to six classes a week and wouldn't miss it for anything!