kiwisara Member


  • We will all continue to justify our own positions, whatever they may be, because we are motivated that way (like this It is a big challenge for us to majorly shift our beliefs, especially when it means giving up things we…
  • Ok, I'll bite. No, the idea of calories being the magic component to weight loss is not indisputable. All calories are not created equal. Our bodies recognise and need NUTRIENTS. With the correct nutrient intake our bodies can easily and quickly shed excess fat. It just means we have to stop listening to those who have a…
  • My interpretation of the original post is that it is a judgement. I am not an expert on nutrition, fitness or psychology, in fact, I'm not really an expert on anything except me and even then I'm not so sure - but I'm good at googling. "We may not consciously be aware that tearing down others can inflate ourselves. Yet the…
  • Congrats, I bet you feel awesome! Ignore the criticism of some others, it is about them and has nothing to do with you. Best wishes as you continue your journey.
  • whoops, sorry, this post is a mistake but I don't know how to delete it - doh
  • I'm a night eater too, it's my 'worst' time for overeating and I'm feeling pleased to have resisted the urge tonight. I have always felt guilty about any eating after dinner, have I bought into a myth?
  • Hi all I joined MFP 2 days ago and am loving it so far. I live in rural nor-west Auckland, and have 3 kids aged 11, 6 and 4. My goal is to shed 33kg, and it seems like a huge ask but I'm very encouraged by the success stories I've seen. This is my absolute worst time of night for overeating - I sit on the laptop or in…
  • I've been to Zumba classes a few times and I thoroughly LOVED it. I prefer group classes to home DVD's as I'm not good at self motivation :) I have decided to set myself the outrageous goal of training as a Zumba instructor! This really is a big goal, as I'm 70lb overweight, have only done Zumba like 3 times, can't dance…