WhiteSage13 Member


  • Great idea!! Thank you!! For just a taste of something sweet I also keep frozen lite Cool Whip in the freezer and have a spoon size bite and let it melt in my mouth. Not bad...
  • I've had this issue too. Allergies and digestive issues for me. It's hard to understand the frustration unless you've been there. I'm overweight because of not eating enough but I also have arthritis and some activities are very hard. I can tell you that the only thing is helping me with the situation is weights. But get…
  • Don't forget it's all about hormone balance too aka: insulin. If you are going to drink make sure you eat some protein nibbles. Drinking will have your carbs covered.
  • Just like dealing with any other segment of the population there is the "the bad and the ugly". You need to select you're friends carefully in all aspects of life and this is no different. Some people get a kick out of getting reactions out of people and it's easy for some to be mean to someone they don't know or every…
  • Maybe if you get the plain and add your own flavoring that would help. My favorite is applesauce with cinnamon and low calorie sweetener. It's like the dutch apple in the store. You can control any sugar and flavor to taste. If you need more flavor to make it enjoyable add it. You can always back it down a little at a time…
  • Wow! That's awesome, thank you for the ideas!
  • I think it's hard to change habits and that needs to be acknowledged. It's like quitting any habit. You just keep at it till it takes. Don't be too hard on yourself and beat yourself up... just keep at it! If you fall off the horse, get right back on! Focusing on what I want and not the challenge helps me. I also…
  • I live in Colorado but originally from Cape Cod MASS.
  • This has happened to me too. I was very sick and suddenly developed new allergies. In my case, I believe it was an immune response, since it went away in time. So it may be something like that. Going to the doctor is the right answer. It's best to be sure.
  • I'm new to my fitness pal and I'm looking for friends and support. I have asthma and arthritis in my spine and hips. I know what it's like to deal with pain issues and hope I can encourage you to reach your goal too.