Xenzu Member


  • Always up for new friends, and I have no issues with making sure you stay on track. Send a friend's request!
  • I fell off the wagon, also, but I'm dedicated to the cause. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am always up for a good challenge!
    in not so new Comment by Xenzu July 2012
  • I agree... to see definition requires tone muscle mass and a low body fat %. What is your current %?
  • Never being satisfied is a personality trait that many have. What's important is to understand your body's limitations. For example, my BMI is around 'Healthy' zone starts at 172. With my frame (broad shoulders, long torso) there is no way I will be that weight and be 'healthy.' I'm shooting for 185. Now, I had to train…
  • I'm not quite at your mark yet. SW: 254 Jan 1 2011 CW: 227 GW: 185 I know they say not to weigh yourself every day, but I do regardless. It allows me to reflect on what I did wrong the previous day. I also keep in mind that your body can/does flux in body weight (up to and around 2 lbs.). I've been dropping pretty quick…
  • Try a teaspoon - tablespoon of peanut butter. Yes, it sounds strange but it has worked for me. Also, I was told by a trainer to have a sweet thing every now and then. Controlled eating will stop the sweet binge later. X-
    in Cravings! Comment by Xenzu January 2011
  • Ask for their nutrition food guide. Most places have them now. That way you know what you are putting into your body and you know how to adjust. X-