bcs806 Member


  • I honestly stopped coming on here because no one else was. Plus it is inconvenient to have to go on my browser every time I wasn't to check the discussion board. I only have 5lbs to go to get back to pre-pregnancy. I am 144 right now. I am honestly happy with how I look overall. I just hate this c-section pooch. Ab work…
  • That is awesome! Not too far to go before you reach your first goal!
  • The night is definitely the worst. Especially after my son goes down. Probably because it is the first time all day I have to think about food. You can do it!!
  • I know it isn't bad but it isn't great. 26lbs total though so I guess I can't be too upset. Only 16 more to go!
  • Only lost one pound. Last week: 153 This week: 152 Honestly, I haven't had much time to work out so everything I lose is just from BF. I did manage to get in a run this morning. :)
  • BrandyT1229
  • FTM, 5'2, 29 Pre-preg: 136 At birth: 179 Current: 153 Goal: 136 I started working out Tuesday and for mastitis Thursday so I was out of commission. Going to start over next week. I can't wait to shed these last pounds and tone this c/s tummy up.
  • Faye, I am currently doing Les Mills Pump and just finished P90x. Low impact exercises are great when you have injuries! Iangel, that's so great. 30 pounds! Wow. I am working towards that right now. 9 more to go yay!! Tmm, where are you from? Have you looked into whether there are any fit groups around you? I know there…
  • Wahoo! I just started Les Mills Pump. Great workout! Especially now that my nutrition is back on track. :)
  • I did P90x and lost 12 pounds and 15 inches. Three of which were off my waist. Either will work great, it just really depends on what you are looking for. I would have done even better on P90x but my nutrition kind of sucked. If you ever want to talk about it, feel free to message me.
  • Wow!! 105? That is awesome. I can't even imagine lifting that much. Set a goal for how much weight you want to be able to lift. Or see if there are any tournaments around you. Maybe even a weight lifting group. Groups tend to keep me motivated. I started a Beachbody support group (I was doing P90x) and it made all the…
  • I create a new exercise and do them manually using my heart rate monitor. The problem with going with a set number is that it isn't based on YOU. Every time I do a workout I burn a different number of calories. I input my weight and age into my heart rate monitor and it calculates it for me based on my heart rate during…