Need help with setting fitness goals

Ok, here's the deal. So, one-and-a-half months from now, I should be able to run 5k. That is my goal and that is what I am training for. I've been using the Zombie Run 5K training app(I know, I know. I'm lazy and need to be entertained). I need that goal to strive toward to be motivated to get out there and train.

I want help getting back into strength training like I used to do. I charted my progress with lifting weights using Jefit, and really, I would like to get back into that and figure out how to set measurable training goals with that. Looking at the charts, I can see I made incredible progress over time, but I wasn't working towards anything.

To show an example of the progress I made in strength training. Over 88 days, my 1 Rep Max for my deadlift went from 53.33 lbs. to 82.5 lbs, not including the weight of my barbell(because that was difficult to log and really didn't help me determine what weight I should be at that day...). At one point, my 1RM got as high as 105 lbs with low reps. Using higher reps with lower weights briefly really skewed my results. But regardless, that is a substantial increase in strength over three months for an average-framed female, I would say. The problem is that I don't know how to set goals for the future with my training. I can set dietary goals and I can set distance/time/speed goals with my cardio, but how does one set goals for strength training??


  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    Did you check out the couch to 5K ?? it's an app as well as a website

    Also. I see a personal trainer and my program I do reps 8-10 of each exercise, three times. I try and up my weights when it gets too easy or I am doing all 10 reps without it being hard at all.

    Set a goal for how much weight you want to be able to bench press or how much weight you want to be able to do deadlift or squat with. That is something that you can work your way up to. Start with what you can do, ie, I can deadlift 40lbs, so I upped it to 45 as my starting point.

    Please check that you are doing the exercises properly (form)

    Hope this helps!
  • bcs806
    bcs806 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow!! 105? That is awesome. I can't even imagine lifting that much. Set a goal for how much weight you want to be able to lift. Or see if there are any tournaments around you. Maybe even a weight lifting group. Groups tend to keep me motivated. I started a Beachbody support group (I was doing P90x) and it made all the difference!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I aim to increase my 1RM for squats and deads by 10 Lbs and bench and OH press by 5 Lbs every mesocycle. My current mesocycle is 4 weeks, with the 4th week being a de-load. I do Wendler's 5/3/1 program so each week I'm switching up my reps for my big lifts and those are based on a % of my 1RM (actually I use my 1RM training max as a guide) after every 4th week, I increase my 1RM and get higher % to work with...I don't know until the 3rd week of each mesocycle if I have achieved that goal or not...and actually, my 1 rep on week three comes after 4 other sets and is only about 95% of my 1 RM training max...which isn't quite my real max...but I can extrapolate it out and assume by hitting my %s that I have indeed increased my 1 RM.

    Having re-read this, it's about as clear as mud...
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member

    Please check that you are doing the exercises properly (form)

    My sister is a semi-professional bodybuilder, and my fiance has been an avid weightlifter as well. Believe me, I have good trainers. :)
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    I aim to increase my 1RM for squats and deads by 10 Lbs and bench and OH press by 5 Lbs every mesocycle. My current mesocycle is 4 weeks, with the 4th week being a de-load. I do Wendler's 5/3/1 program so each week I'm switching up my reps for my big lifts and those are based on a % of my 1RM (actually I use my 1RM training max as a guide) after every 4th week, I increase my 1RM and get higher % to work with...I don't know until the 3rd week of each mesocycle if I have achieved that goal or not...and actually, my 1 rep on week three comes after 4 other sets and is only about 95% of my 1 RM training max...which isn't quite my real max...but I can extrapolate it out and assume by hitting my %s that I have indeed increased my 1 RM.

    Having re-read this, it's about as clear as mud...

    Lol. believe it or not, I did understand this. Thanks! :)