

  • I agree.... the recipe "builder" is the bomb! I use it for all those family recipes.
    in tracking ? Comment by chicone July 2011
  • I asked my shoe store people what kind of shoes to get for walking. They recommended running shoes. They are lightweight, breathable and super comfy. I've have the Adidas Supernova 3 I think. Before that I had Adidas Sequence. They are wonderful!!! The Sequence were about 70, the Supernova's are about 100. When it comes to…
  • I think that is fair. Some of that seems more than light effort, maybe split the difference between the light effort and heavy effort. Since not everything is in the database, I think however you record it is good. If you think it's close enough, then it is. JMO...
  • Welcome!!! Welcome!!! Welcome!!! My fav snack right now is whole wheat bagel thin with a tbsp of peanut butter. Next week it'll be something different. LOL For lunch I'm hooked on smoked chicken breast. by its self , in a salad or on a sandwich, whatever. :-) I'm been here since Jan and have lost 40 pounds. I love it! I…
    in New kid :) Comment by chicone May 2011
  • Welcome and Good Luck!!! MFP is awesome!!!! Have fun!!
  • Thank you everyone!!! These are all great ideas... and I'm on my way to the grocery store.
  • cottage cheese and oranges ham or turkey, sandwich thin, and mustard. lots of veggies. crab meat and cocktail sauce. salads Even PB & J sandwich.
  • I have experieced this too. I'll drink a glass of water first - some times if works. If not, then I'll have some grapes or handful of nuts, just something small. If the water doesn't work, and this doesn't work, then I know I did extra that day and am ok with that. As long as it doesn't happen often I wouldn't worry about…
    in Hunger? Comment by chicone April 2011
  • I agree with the first poster. I don't think the tea is a factor. I drink water, coffee, and tea all day long and have lost 34 so far. Good Luck with your journey.
  • :smile: Thanks for the website! I'm intrigued.
  • Hello - I'm from Carroll, Iowa. About an hour and a half northwest of Des Moines. Can't wait for the good weather to start walking and biking outside.
  • Thank you! I'm already driving the family nuts with measuring. LOL The whole food diary thing is frightening to me. Cuz now I now what I really eat all day. Hopefully, with tomorrow being Monday, it will be better. :-) Good luck to you! And thanks!