dblaacker Member


  • Yeah, I'd say bump your speed up to 3.5. It may help to lower the incline a bit at that speed. I've got a running routine that I like to do, which involves gradually increasing the incline at one speed, but alternating that with a flat incline and gradually increasing the speed. Does that make sense? For example - walk…
  • You can add me, too! I'm also 26 and now have no choice but to try harder at counting calories since I can't exercise much with a broken foot. I could use some accountability.
  • See the stretch that giggitygoo posted? Do that a couple times every day, and after you stretch your front hamstring, you should stretch the quad of the back leg by bringing your back foot up against your butt and leaning forward with the front leg bent for balance. (After a while, start stretching farther forward in that…
  • I weigh myself every day and record it in excel, just because I want to examine the descriptive stats and see how my weight changes over the course of a month. In terms of checking in and recording on here, I only do that on Tuesday mornings.
  • http://static.neatoshop.com/images/product/83/6883/Science-Ruined-Dinosaurs_35638-l.jpg%3Fv%3D35638/img
  • I like to make coffee, let it cool down, and then use it (with nothing added) as a base for a chocolate or vanilla protein shake, instead of using water or almond milk. It's like a protein-enriched fancy coffee drink. You should try it!
  • I used to have this habit of trying to eat something similar (but healthier) to get rid of cravings. I'd end up eating all sorts of things and still be unsatisfied because I hadn't fulfilled my craving. A lot of people experience this. It's better to allow yourself a little bit of something special. Moderation is key here.…
  • I commonly see a lot of professionals recommending that people try interval training once they've hit a rut. It helps to change things up and confuse the body a bit, so the body has to work harder and maintains calorie burn for a longer period of time. Also, are you getting enough sleep? Lack of sleep and stress were the…
  • Why don't you do strength + cardio on some days? You can do cardio in the morning, before breakfast, and strength train after a protein-filled breakfast. A lot of research has indicated that exercise before eating is associated with higher levels of fat burn because your body has to draw on fat and calories stored for…
  • Great message board! I hope other people catch on soon. :) I guess I should do this, too... Appearance- Other than mentioning specific body parts (ahem, boobs), I'd say that overall, I've heard that I've got a good shape. Personality- I'm extremely friendly, and apparently, people think I'm funny, too.
  • My bf said he'd give me $50, which I'd use to buy... hmmm... I shouldn't get more shoes. Any ideas for what I should buy?
  • Online dating is extremely common now. It takes some of the guesswork out of dating, because you don't have to sit and think "Is that person single?" before making a move. I used okcupid.com (because it was free) and ended up dating a couple guys on there (but not at the same time). I think it was a good experience. Sites…
  • Still learning a lot about herself.
  • Be sure to eat protein. You can lose weight by cutting calories and exercising, but if you're not eating right, you will become "skinny fat." It's an actual term now, and means that despite a narrow frame, a larger percentage of your mass will be body fat, rather than muscle.
  • Because this is AMERICA, and if you want to reproduce with a fine lady, you've got to give her something in return. That's capitalism.
  • See the comment below:
  • Take a look at the original research article this NYTimes article was based on.The overall message was simply that women are less active, and not just that we're doing less housework. Way to take research out of context for a good line that sells... Sigh. Media.
  • I'm about the same size. I'm kind of in between a D and DD. I got really self-conscious when running today because I wore a tank top and ran on a treadmill that faced a mirror. o.O Never again. I hear that the sports bras with separate boob sections are better for larger chested girls, but I haven't been able to…
  • Hahahaha, Sliders. I haven't seen anyone else who knows about the greasy glorious wonder of While Castle meals. In terms of your pooping problem, I have the same issue some days. It can result from not enough water, or too much fiber, as well as inadequate levels of fat. I'm pretty sure the grease in sliders is what helps…
  • Ha, this makes me think of all the girls that fart on the elliptical. That's way worse than a burp.
  • I drink unsweetened almond milk because a) I'm lactose-intolerant,and b) I don't really like soy milk. It also happens to be lower in calories than regular milk.
  • Ooh, look at you lookin sexy. ;) I really like that dress.
  • Depends on how big of a bunny you are.
  • Riverdance music. It makes me excited, and since I can't actually dance like that, running is the next best way to move my feet.
  • Yeah, the fiber is set way too low as well. We're supposed to aim for 25g a day.
  • I wish I was getting so much snow!! I'd be out there playing in it in no time, and coming in for cocoa after.
  • Keep in mind, this is a newspaper article, and not the complete research article. The author has probably just taken a few lines out of the context of the whole article. While yes, people put more effort into getting in shape when they want to attract a mate, there are other circumstances in which a person in a…
  • Every body works differently, but I personally have a hard time with eating more just on weekends because I gain back the weight that I've lost and end up using the following week to drop back down to that initial level that I was at on the previous Friday. If you're going to eat more on weekends, make sure it's not too…