I went home to take a nap, went to the gym after waking up, had a protein shake for dinner and now I'll be finishing a case study and maybe catching up on reading... Fun times. It's a nice break from all the excitement/annoyance of Tinder dates this week... Oh, and I've got a lot of laundry to do.
Hey, nice hair!
I have so many confessions! 1- I should be working on finishing a paper, but have no motivation to do so; 2 - I don't track my alcohol and sometimes don't track food because I think it would be too much work to create recipes to log; 3 - I need to shower, but I'm feeling too lazy to even do that.
I like the ideas behind it, but it doesn't work well for everyone. You've got to get a lot of info before starting it. I tried veganism while in college and I didn't do my research before jumping into it. I dropped weight really quickly, but I wasn't getting the nutrients and calories I needed for all of the running I did,…
Crockpot chicken chili. :) It's super easy to make!
Yeah, crazyravr is right. Drink plenty of water!! Also, when I'm sick like that and have a sore throat, a nice hot toddy always helps. Hot dark tea with about a tablespoon of honey, a shot of bourbon and a few squirts of lemon juice.
I don't think you sound ungrateful at all. It sounds like there are some serious issues that need to be addressed, both physical and psychological. You said you were in a "depressive slump" after experiencing some really dramatic/traumatic changes to your life. Have you considered therapy? I find it to be very helpful. I…
Wow! Keep up the good work!
I love a good homemade turkey reuben. I'm a big fan of cabbage products. Toast bread and add a slice of cheese, then cook some sauerkraut and add worcestershire sauce, heat up turkey slices in the same pan for a few minutes. Stack the kraut on top of the cheese, then the turkey. It's a little messy, but totally worth it.
I love brussels sprouts. I steam them for a quick meal, or sautee them. Here's a recipe:
To do: - Put laundry away (ugh) - Walk at least 2 miles - bake homemade bread (my first time!) - yoga/pilates - log EVERYTHING
The frequency depends on you, really. I agree that first thing in the morning is the best time, because your weight hasn't been altered by anything at that point. I've been weighing every day after I wake up and pee, and I'm keeping track of it so I can make a graph and run stats on my normal fluctuation (graph/stats nerd…
Technically, your body won't need to increase calories until you're in your second trimester. The recommended increase is only 300 calories a day. A lot of people go overboard with the idea that they're "eating for two" which results in greater weight gain. I'm sure you know this, but make sure to increase consumption of…
Do you exercise much, or plan to? The vegan diet is very difficult to maintain. I agree with JustMissTracy; vegetarian may be a best bet. A good first step would be to cut out red meat. Becoming vegan or vegetarian too quickly can be hard on your body. I learned this the hard way. Be sure to find good alternative sources…
I switched to the nuvaring because the hormones (etinogestrel and ethinyl estradiol) are different from other forms of BC that made me really depressed. I didn't have many issues with weight gain on the pill, but my mental/emotional health was suffering. I really do like the NuvaRing because I'm not depressed anymore and…
Ah, just work out a little harder and call it a cheat day in terms of eating. It may be good to switch up cheat days occasionally. Don't let your concerns with healthy eating ruin your chances of having a good time.
It may be an odd question, but how's your pooper? Constipation can lead to major weight gain. Fun fact: up to 13lbs of your weight can be fecal matter. It's not uncommon for people to poop less once they start losing weight because their bodies want to hold onto things longer.
Eh, this happens to me every weekend. We've got to keep our bodies guessing, and what better way is there to do so than have an occasional "bad" day?
@RunTimer I'm pretty sure that's the formula for standard deviation... Last thing I ate was a veggie quesadilla. Do you have any pets?
Thanks for the advice!
Poems he wrote in high school.
@DjinnMarie I'd never heard of a negative pull-up, but decided to look them up. I'm going to try this! OP, I think that you follow others' advice and first try to befriend the guy. You can always just mention things that you've done to perfect your form and work various muscles. This way, it won't be directly like you're…
Does anyone else get constipated if they eat over 30-35g of Fiber a day? That can cause a good bit of stomach pain...
Booby tassles.
I've had a bad habit of just not posting my dinners when I know I've gone over. I don't need to post it... I know that I ate poorly. Example- last night, I slowly consumed a bottle of merlot and 3 slices of pizza with sausage, mushroom and olives. It was delicious. I'm not ashamed. I am human, and we all have weaknesses.
By skimming through responses, I'm sure you can tell by now that nobody really knows. Just keep doing it until it stops working for you. I personally had a slight addiction to diet Mt. Dew after 6 years off the soda wagon. Thankfully, I've eliminated that problem... Sort of. I still need caffeine. I just get it in the form…
False, Public nudity doesn't appeal to me. I've never been snowboarding.
Hmmm... there's definitely a difference between emotional and physical affairs. Some would argue that emotional affairs are a bigger deal and the causes are more important to fix because they reflect feelings about the relationship that impact the stability of both partners. However, physical affairs can be reflective of…
Janitor ;)