leigh8679 Member


  • Hi guys! My name's Leigh and I've struggled with thyroid problems for years. Starting around the time I was 19 my thyroid levels would be be a little high then back go back to normal. I would feel fine, but lose weight for no reason. Then about 5 years ago I went from 179 lbs to 103 lbs in just a few months. I couldn't…
  • When I was in college my boyfriend lived on a 24 hr quiet floor in the dorms. One day he was helping me with a paper and he stood up, bent over at the waist, and let it rip. It was so loud they heard it on the other side of the dorms! People actually came by to congratulate him on it! He also got fined $20 for a noise…
  • A couple weeks ago the lady next to me was wearing only a t shirt and panties! I don't know what happened to her pants or shoes!!!!
  • I've also found the food counts are sometimes off. I always check the label of whatever I eat. Since there are multiples of foods on here I can usually find the right one.
  • I'm new too! This is Day 1 of EMTWL. Anyone can feel free to add me as well.
  • I totally understand the family obligations you have as both my parents are disabled and I am an only child. If you really care about each other, sit down and talk about it and try to come to an understanding as to why this has popped up all of a sudden and explain your concerns about family and financial obligations you…
  • This is an awesome site. Everyone is so supportive and willing to offer advice. Feel free to add me and we cna support each other!
    in newbie Comment by leigh8679 January 2013
  • Thanks for all the feedback! It feels so good to know that there are people here that can offer support and advice. I'm going to take this advice starting today and eat to my calorie level and add more protein and veg.
  • I was thinking the amount of food was the problem but I didn't really think about the type. I've been trying to eat when hungry and haven't really been hungry. I never would have thought I need to eat more to lose weight!
  • SORRY! I didn't realize my diary was set to private! It's is public now and I am open to any and all suggestions. Thanks guys!!!
  • Please feel free to add me if you would like. You are a beautiful person and I wish you the best. You can do anything you set your mind to if you stay postive. We are all here for you!
  • Feel free to add me! I also am new and in need of all the support and friends I can get:happy:
  • I plan on treadmill a couple times a week and weights. I tried the elliptical last night and I'm paying for it today! Also I like to bike so I'll be doing that as well. Do you have any suggestions for an exercise plan? I want arms like yours!