bpswife263 Member


  • We are not as far as IVF yet. But TTC since 8/2012 and in 3/2013 my doctor told me I needed to loose weight to conceive. I have PCOS and that affects me a lot. I started to in April 2013 loosing weight and lost 40 pounds and still not pregnant. We are trying our 2nd round of Clomid as soon as I start my period again ...…
    in IVF Comment by bpswife263 January 2014
  • Thanks everyone!! :wink:
  • The equipment I use I actually put in my weight/age and it's accurate. Plus I am doing an incline of 9.0 walking at a pace of 3.5 so Im sure it's not over estimating if I do that for 2 hours.
  • The workout equipment that I use calculates it for me based on my weight. It tells me distance, calories (total), calories per minute. Yes I measure out foods that I eat and stick to a strict amount. I was told that maybe Im working out too much and eating too little with the workout I do. But I want to know for sure if…
  • HI everyone!! Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can motivate each other daily!!! For 2014, I have set my goal for 40 pounds! I wish to tone up and gain strength.
  • Thank you! I was just about to start searching for something for more motivation!!
  • Change up your workouts... eat just a little bit more... and drink lots more water :D
  • If I ever find myself wanting something sweet or wanting to eat more than I should I think about how much work at the gym I'm going to have to do to get what I am going to eat off. And then find myself grabbing a cup of yogurt and a bottle of water. Just remember for an example a big mac from mcdonalds takes running over 9…
  • I understand it can be very frustrating at times when you think your doing everything right but your still not dropping the weight off like you want to. I have lost 27 pounds in 9 weeks and still dropping weight. I walk at least an hour a day, drink lots of water, no sweets at all, nothing fried everything baked or grilled…
  • your welcome to add me as well!! try your local ymca and do the water aerobic classes there.. I workout at the ymca and there is a very special lady that I see everyday with me.. she is 71 and broke her hip in janurary and is back in the gym just a few months later... anything is possible when you set your mind to it! :D…