

  • Born and raised in Oregon, now I'm in Los Angeles. West coast through and through!
  • Stivia or monk fruit sweetener.
  • I drink Zevia or Blue sky zero, both of which are sweetened with stivia and total out at 0 calories. I highly recommend both of them. I try not to have aspartame, although its in a hell of a lot more then just diet coke products, but every now and then I cave.
  • My sister use to just use sites like this:
  • I might not be exactly what you are looking for but I'm good at cheering! Let me know if you need some :)
  • That was adorable. I love will wheaten "Don't be a ****."
  • For me? I care more about inches, but I always assumed that was just because I sew my own clothes and costumes. Its a little harder to sew clothing for yourself when you don't know your own measurements. I guess it just depends on how much weight you have to lose. If its under 50lbs I would say focus on inches, over 50lbs,…
  • I'm a pretty far spread nerd. Gaming (on and off the computer), Sifi shows, Fantasy shows, books, comics (I firmly believe Marvel is better then DC, but that doesn't mean I disregard it), Steampunk culture, .ect. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Feel free to add me! I get along with both the normal and the nerds (of any…
  • 1200 right here! feel free to add me.
  • See the sad thing is, we didn't get thinner, somewhere else got fatter. I don't really call that a victory.
  • ^that exactly, I binged a bit on the 4th and sense then I can't seem to stop! I always start out good and then all of a sudden all my calories are gone. I need to get back on track.
    in Binges Comment by FrayaLace July 2013
  • I've been a vegetarian the majority of my life, I've only eaten meat for the past two years. Even now the only meat I eat is fish and chicken. The two things you want to make sure you get enough of are protein and iron. I started eating chicken because my blood work showed I had anemia (an iron deficiency in the blood).…
  • It is odd but I find this true of somethings (chocolate, pastries, macaroons, .ect) and false of others (french fries, funnel cakes, greasy foods, .ect). For some weird reason I now find potato fries unappetizing, but all of a sudden, I like sweet potato fries. weird stuff.
  • 5' 3" 124 lbs Waist: 26.5" Hips: 36.5" Thighs: 23" Both of us are going to fix our measurements, just don't waver because you're upset and soon you wont have anything to be upset about. People like you and I put most of our fat on our thighs and hips and that fat is the last we loose.