Sugar Sub?

What are people using these days as a sugar substitute? Im trying to stay away from artificial sweetners and chemicals.


  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
  • Stevia
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Sugar. Why sub it? Just EARN it with the Burn.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    What are you trying to sweeten and why do you feel you need to give up sugar? I use local, pollen infused honey as often as I can because it seems to really help with my seasonal allergies. I use Stevia Raw or liquid Stevia in other things but very rarely.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    If you're not using sugar, I'm assuming it's because of the calories in sugar, and if that's the case, anything else you use to sweeten that has less calories is going to be artificial sweetener, or have chemicals. Just use sugar, or don't sweeten.
  • j3bean
    j3bean Posts: 24 Member
    Lakanto is the best substitute for sugar that I have tasted made by Saraya:

    It is really expensive...
  • angiewf
    angiewf Posts: 175 Member
    I've never had any probs with artificial sweeteners, but if you want natural you could try fruit sugar. It's sweeter than regular sugar so you use less. You should be able to get it in the supermarket, if not, a health food store should stock it.
  • MamaCatO
    MamaCatO Posts: 100
    I use stevia. Sometimes honey or agave nectar. But mostly stevia. The only problem I have with stevia is in hot drinks, it kind of gets an aftertaste, in everything else it's fine. Personally, I'm trying to cut way back on my refined sugar because it's addictive to me. I have a little and I want more. Stevia is perfect for cutting the sweet cravings and not going overboard. Plus I am walking a thin line with diabetes. I have it controlled with diet at the moment.
  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone. Im mainly looking for something to sweeten my coffee and oatmeal. I just watched the documentaries "Hungry for Change" and "Food matters". It was very disturbing. They compare sugar to addictive and harmful substances like cocaine and heroin. How it is a no different because it is chemically processed from a plant the same way. They also speak of the hidden sugars that are in so many foods- almost everything. They also talk about the harmful and damaging affects of artificial sweetners on the body and the link to cancer and other chronic diseases (such as obesity). Im not saying that i agree/disagree with this info, just that its been on my mind.
  • Stivia or monk fruit sweetener.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Thanks everyone. Im mainly looking for something to sweeten my coffee and oatmeal. I just watched the documentaries "Hungry for Change" and "Food matters". It was very disturbing. They compare sugar to addictive and harmful substances like cocaine and heroin. How it is a no different because it is chemically processed from a plant the same way. They also speak of the hidden sugars that are in so many foods- almost everything. They also talk about the harmful and damaging affects of artificial sweetners on the body and the link to cancer and other chronic diseases (such as obesity). Im not saying that i agree/disagree with this info, just that its been on my mind.

    You realize a documentary does not mean something is true or false as you have stated.. so just stop and live your life already.
  • milkmaid1980
    milkmaid1980 Posts: 11 Member
    Refined sugar and even honey causes continual cravings for me. Therefore, I stay away from them. Not everyone can eat sugar in moderation--wish I could!

    The very best natural substitutes I have found are NuNaturals Pure White Stevia Extract Powder (a dash goes a LONG way, and there is no bitter aftertaste) and granulated erythritol. The book Trim Healthy Mama has some wonderful recipes using these ingredients. It has been a lifesaver for me!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I went from sweetening my coffee with skim milk in it to using no sweetener but whole milk in the coffee. I sweeten oatmeal by putting fruit in it like raisins or bananas. About the only times I use a sweetener any more is in cooking and then it's usually honey, molasses, or brown sugar.
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    This summer I have been making a fresh lemonade and have been using Stevita which is spoon able Stevia. Very refreshing and my kids love it. To me it seems a much better alternative instead of using a packet mix. Other then that we only drink water or unsweetened tea or coffee.
  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone. Im mainly looking for something to sweeten my coffee and oatmeal. I just watched the documentaries "Hungry for Change" and "Food matters". It was very disturbing. They compare sugar to addictive and harmful substances like cocaine and heroin. How it is a no different because it is chemically processed from a plant the same way. They also speak of the hidden sugars that are in so many foods- almost everything. They also talk about the harmful and damaging affects of artificial sweetners on the body and the link to cancer and other chronic diseases (such as obesity). Im not saying that i agree/disagree with this info, just that its been on my mind.

    You realize a documentary does not mean something is true or false as you have stated.. so just stop and live your life already.

    Read the last sentence of my post
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    Splenda but only on my coffee. But I'm thinking about elimination that too.
  • nobleammonite
    nobleammonite Posts: 64 Member
    I use liquid stevia to sweeten my morning tea latte, but it does taste a bit strange in hot drinks like someone said upthread, so I use a teaspoon of sugar (or honey) and 5-6 drops of stevia. I'll also use it in iced tea with lemon (no sugar, just stevia). Those are the only things I try to replace sugar in - the reason being I'd rather not drink a ton of calories. If I make baked goods or anything else, really, I use sugar.
  • AmandaLY17
    AmandaLY17 Posts: 184 Member
    I like coconut milk in my coffee. I find I dont want any sugar when i use it (not that its a sugar sub lol)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    If I put something in my coffee or tea or on my oatmeal it's splenda, unless I'm out, then it's sugar. Mmm, occasionally honey in my tea.

    I think sugar gets a bad rap and it's really just like everything else, it's fine in moderation.

    I feel I should add that I tend to believe that I'm a sugar addict. Aside from high sugar sweets which are kind of a given, I also have to be careful of things like carrots and grapes because I can very easily eat them to excess because of the natural sugar content.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Thanks everyone. Im mainly looking for something to sweeten my coffee and oatmeal. I just watched the documentaries "Hungry for Change" and "Food matters". It was very disturbing. They compare sugar to addictive and harmful substances like cocaine and heroin. How it is a no different because it is chemically processed from a plant the same way. They also speak of the hidden sugars that are in so many foods- almost everything. They also talk about the harmful and damaging affects of artificial sweetners on the body and the link to cancer and other chronic diseases (such as obesity). Im not saying that i agree/disagree with this info, just that its been on my mind.

    You realize a documentary does not mean something is true or false as you have stated.. so just stop and live your life already.

    Read the last sentence of my post

    Read my post "As you have stated" - I obviously read it. But I said stop.