latepaul Member


  • How do you do that? I can't see a way, either in the app or the website, to give a time for the exercise.
  • Pork pies and sausages rolls.
  • I'm about 11lbs away from Overwieght and 44lbs away from Normal - which itself is 6lbs below my long-term target weight. I look at my BMI out of interest and when I get to Overweight it'll be a nice milestone but nothing more.
  • No-one noticed or no-one said anything? The first time I lost weight I didn't tell anyone I was doing it (OK, one close friend) and it took 6 months and 75lbs before anyone commented! Partly I put this down to working in a mostly male environment and blokes not talking about this stuff as much. Also I had one guy, after I…
  • I can relate. I "split up" with someone about six months ago and it's been rough. I put that in quotes because even then it wasn't a real relationship, more like really close friends. Still it felt like a break-up when she started going out with someone else (but I wish her well I really do!) Technically I've been single…
  • Request sent.
  • I used to do pasta with lots of veg. These days I mostly have soups. One at lunch and one in the evening. Also drinks throughout the day.
  • 46 from Berkshire. Always happy to have more UK friends.
  • I started in Sep 2008 at 317lbs and lost weight but put most of it back on. This time around I started at 283. Currently I'm at 213 but was lower before Christmas. That's taken just over a year. Feel free to add me.
  • Clean eating seems to be about not eating anything that's been processed. "Nothing from a packet or can" is one slogan you'll hear. People will also talk about "chemicals". The problem is that everything is chemicals, even the organic stuff that's "clean". I suspect what happened was this: long ago in ye olden times there…
  • Friend request sent. I graduated from C25K a while back and am now doing a to-10K plan (not sure if it's bridge to 10k I'll have to check my app).
  • You can do this. A cliche but a small change consistently over time will show results. That's my experience. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Also been around a while and lost a fair bit through MFP and 5:2. Would love more active friends so feel free to add me. I like vodka but not sure it likes me. Turns me into to crazy man. :wink:
  • Status update =/= Friend A person can be worth FL-ing without their every status being worth a comment. Now if I *never* commented you might have a point. Also just like IRL there are levels of friendship and levels of interaction. In pre social network days we all had people who were on our Christmas card list who we…
  • Great idea. There are only so many variations of "excellent", "well done" and "good burn" comments I can make before I feel like I'm being fake. I end up only commenting on weight-loss and really significant updates because I don't really feel I have a genuine comment for the other stuff. Like is a great way to show…
  • I think it's tempting to divide the world into "cheaters" - who can't or won't ever change, and everyone else, because it gives us two clear categories of people and once we identify that we're with the right kind then we know we're safe. It's tempting but at best it's a vast simplification. People are a mix of good and…
  • I regularly get mould growing on my cream cheese. Thing is - I live alone and am dieting so even the smallest tub I buy could last weeks. That's one of the problems I find with eating sensible portions is not wasting food!
  • I've been doing 5:2 for just over a year and have lost about 70lbs on it. Key points are that whilst there's still debate about the health benefits it's one way to organize a weekly calorie deficit. For me it's more sustainable than other forms. I used to do a straight 1800cals/day diet with occasional cheat days but over…
  • I use the RunDouble app. It has all the features you'd expect - voice alerts, interval alerts, GPS integration with stats and maps, post to Facebook, twitter etc. It has some quirks - I've known the facebook update not work one day and then post twice the next - but I like it overall. It's also got MFP integration but I've…
  • I've always been overweight as an adult and I was a chubby child. For a brief moment in my teens I was skinny but that was probably a growth spurt ;) But my "wake up" moment was a few years ago when I was walking up the steps outside my then work building. No more than about 7-8 steps and I was gasping for breath at the…
  • I was just under 250 when I started. I repeated some weeks a few times - once when I had a knee problem and once when I had other health issues. Now I'm on week 7 and enjoying it. I started off doing the timed version because I run in the mornings and didn't want to be late for work! But now I'm doing the distance version…
  • Did W5d2 of c25k today - found those 8min runs tough. TBH I'm dreading Wednesday which is supposed to be W5D3 - 20mins in one stretch! oh dear!!
  • I re-started this monday on W2. I had gotten up to W4 but some health issues meant I took a few weeks off so I re-started with something less intense. This morning felt a bit tougher - and when I got back I realised I'd accidentally pressed W3D1 on my app rather than W2D3! LOL.
  • I've been doing 5:2 since November and lost 50lbs so far. It really works for me. It doesn't necessarily work for everyone, for instance I was always someone who could miss a meal and not really feel it for quite a while, some folks I know will get pangs an hour or two after not having lunch at the normal time. Feel free…
  • I've been doing it since November and have lost 50lb so far. That's a little slower than when I was on a straight calorie restricted diet but then again I put most of that loss back on. I used to cheat a lot and increasingly binge. 5:2 feels more maintainable to me. In fact I'm dubious about the supposed extra health…
    in 5:2 diet?? Comment by latepaul June 2013
  • So it's like this: Before I started C25K I was using MapMyWalk to record my exercise and transfer the times into MFP manually. Then I started C25K and started using Run Double - which I like. I run in the park very close to my house but I still log the walk there and back (not included in the warm-up/cool-down) so I start…
  • I've been doing it since November and lost 43lbs so far. I get quite annoyed when people tell me it's a fad. I had one bloke in my office shake his head and suck his teeth at me and tell me he thought it wasn't healthy. Then I found out he was doing Paleo which is dubious at best. I used to do a regime based on 1800…
  • I don't have any answers for you because I suffer from the same thing. I suppose what helps me is a couple of friends that know me and accept me. Ironically I tend to talk their ears off (it's about feeling comfortable I guess). But in unfamiliar social occasions or meeting new people I do tend to clam up and it's a pain.…
  • I'm doing IF 5:2 which is effectively a roll-over of the deficit because you only eat back your calories on non-fast days. However because MFP isn't set up for different goals on different days I end up keeping an eye on the weekly total. I do still try to keep to my daily goal but it's more of a guide. Also I know myself…