kayrich75 Member


  • Im not breastfeeding anymore, unfortunately I wasnt able to continue. And I didnt have a c section. It was a very straightforward uncomplicated birth and I feel ok in myself just a little sleep deprived.
  • Yes thank you. i know its ridiculous but i apply all that clean healthy living to my children. they dont eat junk food and crap im just not so good with myself. but im gonna give it a good go thank you
  • Im nowhere near a healthy weight yet but i ill probably aim to lose 1.5lb a week instead then just buy a magisculpt dress for the wedding
  • I have 3 stone in all to lose from now but i want to lose the first by my mums wedding in 6 weeks.
  • I do exercise 7 days a week im just not so good at eating less. i need to stick to a really rigid diet plan. thanks for the advice
  • Sorry im not sure i understand what you mean. i only want to loose 14lb in 6 weeks not 50 or 100
  • I have 1200 limit. you can add me. I was finding it quite hard to stay under that so now i try and work out a couple of times a day to bump it up. Have a look at my diary if you want. Karen
  • Iwas lead to believe you should try and have your last meal 3 hours before going to sleep as you dont burn off the calories and your body will store the fat. im not sure how true this is but i use this method. try eating more earlier in the evening then you should avoid getting hunger pangs later on