baby weight

I was on here before and was doing well, however I stopped because I got pregnant with my 6th child which I gave birth to 5 weeks ago. Im just wondering if its too soon to start trying to lose weight yet and start gentle exercising. I lost all the baby weight I gained plus another 9lb in the first two weeks after baby lily was born but now weight loss has stopped. I would like to lose at least another stone in weight to feel comfortable. Any advice would be greatly appreciated


  • albatati
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  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I would chat with your doctor about when is the correct time to start dieting and exercising. There are a lot of factors here. If you had a C-section, you'll have to wait longer to start to let your body heal. Also, if you are breastfeeding, you'll need to add in calories to your calorie deficit so you have enough energy to make your supply.

    With that being said, you are probably alright to start exercising if you feel good doing so. If you need help figuring out your calorie goal, methods of exercise, or you just need support/encouragement/motivation, please let me know. I'm always happy to help out.

  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Definitely talk to your doctor first. If you're breastfeeding you'll have to do a little balancing. I was given clearance to do light exercising after 3 weeks but again, that's because I talked to my midwife and had a plan plus I wasn't able to breastfeed.
  • kayrich75
    kayrich75 Posts: 11 Member
    Im not breastfeeding anymore, unfortunately I wasnt able to continue. And I didnt have a c section. It was a very straightforward uncomplicated birth and I feel ok in myself just a little sleep deprived.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    If you're not breastfeeding I think you can start with the dieting right away, i.e. assuming you're doing it all the healthy way, small deficit for slow and steady fat loss.

    Regarding exercise, I think they usually advise to wait 6 weeks after an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, the midwife can advise a the 6 week check. The main thing is to check that your abdominal muscles have come together again (they sometimes separate to make room for the baby) - if they haven't the midwife can give you exercises to make them come back together - also the usual exercise they tell you to do at the hospital help with that.

    Walking etc is fine even before you had this check, I had mine by c-section and the only restriction on walking was not to push a pram uphill... which I think was because of the c-section so you'd be fine pushing prams etc uphill... the stuff about 6 weeks and the abdominal muscles check is for more strenuous exercise... normal activity like walking, pram pushing etc should be fine. but check with your midwife if you have any doubts