ltowne Member


  • I have had insomnia for about 12 years. I go to sleep but can't stay asleep - waking every hour or so and mind racing too. I have tried everything...simply everything mentioned in this post. I did have a sleep study as a last result and I do have sleep apnea. The doctor was very surprised as I don't fit the "body type" for…
  • Very Very nice! Keep up the good work.
  • I have had insomnia for about 15 years now and 2 years ago I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Both my doctor and I were very surprised because I don't fit the typical stereotype for apnea. I began using the CPAP and even though I truly dislike using it, it has really helped. I still use a sleep aid, but lack of sleep was…
  • LANDS END! We have a boat and I am in a suit quite a bit during the summer months. I have ordered from Lands End for years and you can't beat the fit or the quality. Order by bra size....wonderful with underwire too!
  • Just turned that is really OLD!!!
  • Your post made me smile this morning! Not only do you look healthy, but you are beautiful too! Keep up the fantastic work!
  • Trust your intuition! I think you already know the answer. Doesn't sound like someone you would want to begin any kind of relationship with. Take care and be safe.
  • Good Luck! I LOVE to travel too! Returned this past May from a 10-day Caribbean cruise. It was amazing. Getting ready to book a week in Key West in November. Feel free to add me as your friend. I will be happy to support you along the way!
  • Hi Carly...I'm Lynn. Welcome to MFP. It is a great site and works well if you are consistent and loyal to the plan. No matter how hard I try, some days are just more difficult than others. For me, it is a total mind-game and I am like a yo-yo. Some days I win and some days I lose! Hoping this helps you along your journey.…
  • Central Indiana - "Boiler-up" all you Purdue fans!!!
  • Been there! I worked so hard before the cruise and then blew it while gone! I knew that I would lighten up and wanted to enjoy the vacation, but it has been so hard to get back on track since being home. Once you begin old habits, it is hard to break them. I am still struggling with this, but I felt so good 10 pounds ago…
  • I am in my late 50's and my daughter got me hooked on skinny jeans. I normally get them at New York and Company as they are stretchy and very versitile. I normally wear them with a longer top and Tom's or flat ballet shoes. Love the look - stylish and fresh.
  • #4 or #5 - Very youthful! Go and have a look great!
  • Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5!
  • My kids are grown, but I used to walk during my lunch hour (I can't do running and shower during the workday) and you will be amazed what 45 minutes of walking will do 5 days a week! I also coached my daughter's softball team and we always played tag or outside games where we could all exercise! Even if the kids are…
  • Best of luck!!! Losing weight is the hardest thing in the world for me. I have never been out-of-control, but have always strugged with 20 pounds or so... am like a yo-yo most of the time. I LOVE food and it is my emotional release from the good times and the bad times. I understand the struggle no matter how much you need…
  • OMG.....what a great accomplishment! You look great!!!
  • First of all CONGRATULATIONS on your surgery and keeping the weight off for the past seven years! What an accomplishment!!! Life throws us lots of curves and we must learn how to alter and adjust. It soulds like you might need to change things up a little bit. Different types of workouts and possibly alterning your calorie…
  • HOT TEA does the trick for me! Or, sometimes I resort to the 100 calorie weight watchers ice cream bars.
  • We all have done the very same you are NOT alone! Good for you for posting and acknowledging the fact that you realize the issue. I really have no words of wisdom except to let you know that you are not out there by yourself. I struggle with the LOVE of the taste of food. It makes me happy. Everything we do is…
  • Good luck to you! I did the same thing about six months ago, but feel so much better when I log on and track my food and exercise. Just makes me more accountable and aware of what I am actually putting in my mouth. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will give you encouragement along the way.
  • My favorite: Vanilla Yogurt topped with fresh berries (normally strawberries and blueberries) and natural granola! YUM....
  • 1200 calories isn't enough for me either. I think that if you pick your food correctly...lean and will begin to notice a difference. I (personally) would not eliminate fruit. Yes, it is high in sugar, but it is such a source of important nutrients that the body needs. Stay away from processed foods and be…
  • I do lots of veggies on the grill and it changes the taste a bit. Anything lean and clean...not processed should help out. Also hot tea is filling and satisfying throughout the day along with lots of water. Also try riding a recumbent bike or stationery bike. I have a few back issues and the bike doesn't put any pressure…
  • You look to be about my daughter's age and she shops ALL of the time! Her favorite places are LOFT, GAP and BANANA REPUBLIC. They can be a little pricey, but if you look for the sales, you can get some pretty good deals. NEW YORK and CO. has good jeans and some cute summer tops right now. Good luck, have fun and congrats…
  • Honey....portion control (one palm size helping) and EXERCISE! I think you will be surprised that you can still have much of the food that you love.
  • Zumba is awesome! I go to classes about 2 times each week. The instructors are wonderful and a typical class runs about 150-200 people in a very large auditorium with jumbo screens and a stage. Average burn per hour is about 750 calories! A fun and great way to lose weight. I have never done the dvds, but can testify that…
  • FANTASTIC! You look like a totally different person. Congratulations and it is such a testament of true interstrength and the determination that you have within yourself. Be proud of who you are both inside and out....a very strong woman!
  • Don't happens. Tomorrow is a new day.