Work outside home moms...



  • MyseriMapleleaf
    MyseriMapleleaf Posts: 81 Member
    I've lost 53 pounds, and most of it has come off during my lunch break. I know that you will go back to work sweaty but who cares! Wipe it off and spray on some body spray! I do try to wake up and do the 30 day shred (sometimes), but I'm not too much of a morning person. Take your kids for walks, swims, chase them, ride bikes with them, shoot some hoops or kick some soccer with them, play volleyball with them, have dance parties with them (like the WII Dance stuff too). The more exercise you get in the more lively you will feel. Commit to make no excuses. I also suggest that you lift weights. Lean muscle will burn more calories when you are doing nothing, I've seen some great results from lifting as well, and yes my muscley arms are smaller than my fatty arms, lol. Good luck!!

    Yes!! Me & my girls often put on music or videos on YouTube and dance like we're insane- it's a pretty banging half hour workout :D (AND they go to bed earlier because they are EXHAUSTED, lol)
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    I work full time and I have a 10-year old. I get my workouts in early in the morning (5 AM). There is no way I could do it after work (way to tired). I have been using Fitness Blender videos, Zumba DVDs and treadmill intervals for my workouts. The videos add variety, and I plan my workout schedule two weeks ahead so I never get bored :-)
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    My kids are grown, but I used to walk during my lunch hour (I can't do running and shower during the workday) and you will be amazed what 45 minutes of walking will do 5 days a week! I also coached my daughter's softball team and we always played tag or outside games where we could all exercise! Even if the kids are smaller, incorporate them into your exercise routine. They will love following you along in most exercises or dance type situations. Be creative and bring them along!
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    Recently my husband picked up an extra job so he now works every week night and all weekend. Lunch break is non-existant in my office. Eating one handed while typing is the norm. I also understand the guilt about not spending enough time with your kids. There are no gyms within 30 miles that have a kids area.

    The only way I've worked it out is to workout WITH my kids. I have a jogging stroller. Some days all I get in is a 15 minute walk pulling the wagon. The older they get, the easier it is to put on a quick workout video (30 DS or something else short). My 2 year old will entertain himself for 20-30 minutes. My 1 year old is not there yet and usually grabs my legs or lays down on the mat under me making it tough to focus.

    You'll get a lot of replies essentially saying you need to make time. I think that is true to an extent but not getting enough sleep is also detrimental to weight loss. Focus on healthy eating and being active (not just formal workouts) and as your kids get older, and spend less time at home, increase the length and frequency of your workouts.
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    Right now my routine is to get up @ 4:30 and get to the gym by 5am to lift. I do cardio after work. I have teenagers so I don't have to worry about leaving them. They are very involved in sports so I will run and/or cycle while they are at practice.

    When they were younger, they would ride their bikes while I ran. I've also brought them to the track with me. They could "run" with me or play soccer in the middle of the oval.
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    Wow!!! I read the first few and already some wonderful ideas. My kids are 5 and 7. I can sometimes get a run in at lunch but I'm typically do busy to take a lunch that isn't eating while I work. In my less busy season (winter) I do run at lunch and don't get to sweaty, so I have the time as well.. I will read the rest of these at lunch and I can't wait to do so!!!!
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    Just read these all. Thanks so much for all your thoughtful ideas and responses and especially sharing your daily routines with me. Gave me lots of things to try, but I always forget that the little things count, walking when I can, taking stairs. I'm going to try to get in shorter 20-30 minutes on days that are crazy like today. And I agree with poster who talked about sleep. If i get less than 6 hours I can't function, let alone exercise. Sleep is just as important as food and moving.

    thanks ladies!!!
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    Monday through Friday I do C25k on my 30 minute lunch break. Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday I try to make it to the gym to lift weights while my husband, parents, aunts or uncles watch my 2 daughters for an hour. When my daughter has activities like gymnastics or cheer practice, I use that time to fit a run or strength trainging session in. I really just fit it in where i can and make it work for me.