

  • thank you!! yeah its my humaness that is so great and also so hard sometimes....
  • thanks for your support... Its not easy finding compatible guys so its hard sometimes to believe in a "next" Frankly as tough as losing the weight was, finding a Mr. Right seems so much tougher a challenge... I probably just have to give myself a few days to get over this disappointment.
  • Isn't it the most wonderful feeling??? someone told me this and you are living it: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny looks!!" Keep up the good work!
    in I look good! Comment by jazzy1a May 2013
  • thanks but I don't really eat junk, microwave popcorn is low calorie and good fiber that's the only 100 calorie thing I have in the house...
  • ok I did, just ignore today and yesterday because I ate a whole pan of brownies :( and just said screw it today Tomorrow I'll start again...
  • Thanks for the idea, I'll try that--broccoli is very good for you and I agree it will be filling too especially as a warm food
  • You might be onto something here...I am emotionally wiped out & exhausted by the time I get home. I'll try tomorrow to go to bed sooner and see if that helps. Thank you for the suggestion. Isn't Eckhart Tolle a Scientologist?
  • Your recipe sounds delicious but it absolutely would not fill me up and now I've consumed 300 calories and am still hungry...I eat a protein smoothie for breakfast (5 cups of water, 2 scoops spirutein protein powder, 1 tbs ground flax, 3 tbs steel cut oats, 1 splenda packet, 5tbs sugar free torani vanilla syrup, 1 tsp…
  • Sounds like hell, but I admire your persistence and that is what is going to pay off :smile:
  • My protein shakes are at about 40g at breakfast and 25g each for lunch & midday--that seems like alot to me, maybe I need even more?? Since I haven't been able to eat at my lower cal levels I AM NOW eating at 1700 to 2000 a day for the past week or so and my weight loss has stalled...
  • Oatmeal has a crazy amount of calories...
  • Hi everyone, I'm janine 49 y/o currently at 128 lbs (lost 16 since January) and want to get down to my ideal weight of 120 (just to say I did it!) . I'm in a diet bet game and need to lose 2.5 lbs in the next two weeks or I lose my $$ I've had an awful wkend of great discouragement and blew my calories (TDDE -20% =1550 a…
    in Day 1 Comment by jazzy1a April 2013
  • I went back and redid my TDEE (-20%) and I should be at 1567....
  • I feel your pain!
  • Great idea! But what is more filling and have more fiber (but FEW calories) than eggs(whites only), meat (chicken breast mainly), cheese and popcorn??
  • Great idea! But what is more filling and have more fiber (but FEW calories) than eggs(whites only), meat (chicken breast mainly), cheese and popcorn??
  • My problem is definitely not having energy to work out (I do fine and love the hour a day I'm at it) its the hunger that seems to get triggered once I start eating actual food. (I drink 3 protein smoothies (450 cal at Breakfast, and 2 150 cal ones at lunch & mid-day) during the day and eat only at night...)
  • Though I've always read you're suppose to eat breakfast, I'm going to try delaying eating for as long as I can to space out my meals and calorie allotment. Once I'm done to my goal weight I know I can maintain because I'm eating those calories right now! It just eating less of them that is the problem!
  • This isn't me but there is alot of truth to your statement!
  • Should I just get rid of everything in the house? Cuz it is not junk food (there is none here) but rather just food, cheese, meat, eggs, fruit, and jello...
  • Thanks for the suggestion, I went back and redid my TDEE (-20%) and I should be at 1567.... I think I'll still shoot for 1450 since I can't seem to stay at that anyway, sorta like setting my clock forward 15 minutes so I'm never late :) But I'll try to get as discouraged
  • Very very helpful ideas--thank you so much!!
  • You might be the fat girl, but there will be an old girl, a puny guy, a bald guy, a fat guy (who doesn't think he's fat and is wearing spandex shorts a size too small for him), a girl who thinks her thighs are too big, another girl who wished her stomach was flatter, etc. there will also be people there who will look right…
  • Is it motivation I need? I don't know anymore. I've lost almost 16lbs since January and have 8lb to go I am relentless hungry at night and am blowing my 1400 calorie limit each day for past couple of weeks. And not on junk, just extra fruit, cheese, and popcorn. I'm in a diet bet game with 2 other people that started on…
  • Absolutely! I am really struggling with the last 8! I'm sick of my protein shakes and my hunger is relentless!
  • Get them involved in what you're doing: I'm starting a Diet Bet game, >>>Here's the linky: http://bit.ly/ZZPqHN that begins on next Monday, April 1st which I'm hoping will get me motivated to stop giving in to my hunger all the time! I've organized the game around helping each other with strategies for reducing hunger…
  • I totally get how frustrating it is when you know you "should" but somehow can't get yourself to do it. Often external rewards can help (in the short run anyway) until the internal rewards of feeling good about yourself kick in! I'm starting a Diet Bet game, >>>Here's the linky: http://bit.ly/ZZPqHN that begins on next…
  • You probably need to reduce your calorie intake or don't eat back the calories you burn from walking...
  • Hi there, I am totally in the same boat with you, I just need to lose another 10 pounds (always the worst ones to get off) and have been hungry like crazy so I started a Diet Bet game to keep me going: >>>Here's the linky: http://bit.ly/ZZPqHN It's only $21 to put into the pot and whoever loses the weight wins! :) It might…
  • Go with a POLAR HRM (you can find them more cheaply on ebay preowned or as store returns)--the chest strap makes the readings highly accurate and you never feel the thing on. I have been using a HRM for several years now and just LOVE it! It tells me what heart zone I should be in for better fitness results and also good…