No motivation :(

Hi all,
I need some motivation. I'm turning 37 this year and this is the first time in my life that weight has started to become an issue. I only want to drop 5-10lbs BUT in all honesty I'd be happy with keeping the weight and toning up. I've never exercised, never been to a gym, never needed to care.
I joined here last year in hopes that I would kick start my goal to being healthy and I've avoided it like the plague. :(
Now, 5 more lbs later and I'm freaking out.
I dont eat a lot of junk, I eat a ton of veggies but I do enjoy my wine.
I get into a work out schedule and two weeks later, something comes up to interfere in my day and that's it. I convince myself I'll get back into it, and I dont.
Any tips, of hints or motivation you can give me? other than starting at myself in a bikini in the mirror (ouch, that hurt, but clearly not enough).


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It'll become a priority when you decide you want it badly enough. Nobody else can make you do it.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    It'll become a priority when you decide you want it badly enough. Nobody else can make you do it.

    100% This. You need to define your want. In reality, it is as simple as asking...Do you WANT IT, or not? Know that motivation comes from within. It's not given. It's a direct positive result from achieving goals in life. And those take all starts with a simple Yes, or No.
  • Oh I want it... I just dont have anyone to encourage me to do it. My hubby thinks I look great. My pants tell me I dont!
    Maybe I need to branch out in my exercise types. I have a treadmill and we have a serious hate relationship!!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Oh I want it... I just dont have anyone to encourage me to do it. My hubby thinks I look great. My pants tell me I dont!
    Maybe I need to branch out in my exercise types. I have a treadmill and we have a serious hate relationship!!

    I think you may have missed my point. If you want it badly enough, you won't need anyone to encourage you. You'll do it all by yourself.

    If you don't enjoy the treadmill, that's probably a good reason why you're having motivation troubles.

    Find an exercise program you would enjoy. There are tons of things to do.

    Weight lifting
    Circuit Training
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    Hi there, I am totally in the same boat with you, I just need to lose another 10 pounds (always the worst ones to get off) and have been hungry like crazy so I started a Diet Bet game to keep me going:
    >>>Here's the linky:
    It's only $21 to put into the pot and whoever loses the weight wins! :)
    It might help with your motivation.
    And I personally need help curbing my hunger pangs...
  • No, I do know what you mean. I guess I was hoping it would be easier to convince myself to do it.
  • Hi there, I am totally in the same boat with you, I just need to lose another 10 pounds (always the worst ones to get off) and have been hungry like crazy so I started a Diet Bet game to keep me going:
    >>>Here's the linky:
    It's only $21 to put into the pot and whoever loses the weight wins! :)
    It might help with your motivation.
    And I personally need help curbing my hunger pangs...
    Cool.. I'll check it out!!
  • Cmr64
    Cmr64 Posts: 1
    You sound a lot like me!! I was 37 too, when I started to notice those little love handles on my sides! I was distraught!! Don't think I did much about it though! Motivation is tough for me. Not sure why. Been a procrastinator all my life. I don't drink, but know it definitely adds up the calories. My downfall is carbs. So bad!! I have to get back to more veggies and fruits. My daughter has Chron's and even though she loved those foods all her life, she can't really tolerate them now, and I got into a rut of feeling guilty eating those things in front of her. I have to change my ways though. I am My heaviest weight ever....50 pounds more than when I got married 26 years go.
    As far as recommending suggestions, since your diet is already good, maybe drinking more water, especially like an hour before you might normally have your wine might help with that. I have problems committing myself to exercise. I like walking, and will plan on going either to my parents' 55 and over park, because it's a pleasant place to walk, or the nearby cemetery, which, believe it or not, also is quite nice. LOl. BUT, I somehow always find something else to do. I hate myself for it later. One thing I used to do, that maybe you would like and have time for, is exercising before I got out of bed...leg scissors, bicycle legs, butt squeezes, and slowly stretching one leg over the other to the opposite side of the bed, while trying to keep my shoulders to the bed as much as possible. I also try to do squats and twisting while I dry my hair....when I feel like it! I keep saying I'm going to buy one of those Leslie Sansone walking DVDs you can do at home, so I'll have no excuse...except to wrestle the tv from my kids.
    Wish you lots of luck! I totally get having motivation issues so I feel for ya!
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Seperate attitude and behavior; there are many things that we do not feel like doing but must regardless
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    Waited until I was 48 and had high cholesterol and then decided I needed to avoid medication for the cholesterol and wanted to change and be in shape by 50.
  • bbydl64
    bbydl64 Posts: 30 Member
    Drink more wine and ya just won't
  • Arlyn514
    Arlyn514 Posts: 16
    Well, let me tell you from experience, those 5 pounds will keep adding up as the time will start to fly by and you'll be 50 or 60 and getting it off then will only be 20 times tougher and you'll be even less motivated. You've got to dig deep. If you like to shop, then start by WALKING the malls. If you have a dog, WALK the dog. Just start. It will NEVER GET EASIER if you WAIT! trust ME!
  • Thanks everyone!! Today I'm determined to jump right in!! I just need to keep this up.
    I did 5K solo today.. that's a big deal for me!

    bbydl68 - I considered that option