Is this what is known as binging??



  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    Could it be that there is something specifically that you are craving and not allowing yourself to eat it? When we do that, many of us eat everything around it because we have not satisfied our craving, and end up consuming more calories than if we just eat what we craved.
    This isn't me but there is alot of truth to your statement!
  • chrislynn_marie
    chrislynn_marie Posts: 77 Member
    Try upping your calories and eating more protein and oatmeal -- filling foods. But I'm not an expert.
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    Have you tried leaving more of your cals for the evening. I make sure to leave a large number of my cals for the evening when I know I will be at home relaxing.

    ^^^ this

    Oh yes, also this. I usually don't eat breakfast until after noon for this reason.

    Though I've always read you're suppose to eat breakfast, I'm going to try delaying eating for as long as I can to space out my meals and calorie allotment. Once I'm done to my goal weight I know I can maintain because I'm eating those calories right now! It just eating less of them that is the problem!
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    I have really bad night eating issues - I'll blow through 1600-1700 calories every evening, after doing so well all day! :(
  • niknokd
    niknokd Posts: 127 Member
    I think a problem might be that none of those foods you listed are very filling...that's probably why you still feel hungry. Find something with more protein and fiber to keep you full.
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    1450 might not be right for your activity level; look at your TDEE again. Shoot for 100 cals more for a week, maybe?

    Thanks for the suggestion, I went back and redid my TDEE (-20%) and I should be at 1567....
    I think I'll still shoot for 1450 since I can't seem to stay at that anyway, sorta like setting my clock forward 15 minutes so I'm never late :)
    But I'll try to get as discouraged

    Well, that's one way to go I guess. But you're pretty much guaranteed to keep feeling the way you do now: always annoyed, deprived, or eating over your goal. Hard to stay motivated like that, no? For me, regularly not making my goals makes me take them less seriously, too. (I'm playing with my settings a bit too, as my activity's changed.) Also, if you know you've got that extra 100 in the bank, you can have it before you work out, which will give you extra energy. Why not try it for a couple of weeks, and see what happens, in terms of behaviour, motivation, energy, etc? Up to you, obviously.

    My problem is definitely not having energy to work out (I do fine and love the hour a day I'm at it) its the hunger that seems to get triggered once I start eating actual food. (I drink 3 protein smoothies (450 cal at Breakfast, and 2 150 cal ones at lunch & mid-day) during the day and eat only at night...)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    First of all, 400 calories is NOT a binge. 4000 might be...

    Secondly, I would guess 1450 is too low of a goal since you are still hungry. Calculate TDEE and eat at a deficit from there. Mine is over 2000 and I am 5'2", female, 42 years old.
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    Great idea! But what is more filling and have more fiber (but FEW calories) than eggs(whites only), meat (chicken breast mainly), cheese and popcorn??
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Also, binging is out of control eating, where you literally lose all control.
    A large majority of genuine binge eaters consume thousands of calories within a short space of time.


    It sounds as if you are hungry and that the cal allowance you have is too little?
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    I think a problem might be that none of those foods you listed are very filling...that's probably why you still feel hungry. Find something with more protein and fiber to keep you full.

    Great idea! But what is more filling and have more fiber (but FEW calories) than eggs(whites only), meat (chicken breast mainly), cheese and popcorn??
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    I have really bad night eating issues - I'll blow through 1600-1700 calories every evening, after doing so well all day! :(

    I feel your pain!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I try and leave 500-600 calories for dinner. This way I can eat what I want for dinner and usually as a snack later.
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    First of all, 400 calories is NOT a binge. 4000 might be...

    Secondly, I would guess 1450 is too low of a goal since you are still hungry. Calculate TDEE and eat at a deficit from there. Mine is over 2000 and I am 5'2", female, 42 years old.

    I went back and redid my TDEE (-20%) and I should be at 1567....
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm currently losing weight on 2,000 a day, and my BMI is in the normal range. No need to eat so little.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Save 400 calories for eating at night.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    you can cheat here and there and be fine. eat like two brownies, not a pan boo lol
  • jiggy_gibby
    jiggy_gibby Posts: 197
    Add chia seeds to the shakes (to up protein), eat some healthy fats like raw, plain avocado 2-3 times a week, and try a week of eating at 1700-2000 everyday.
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    Try upping your calories and eating more protein and oatmeal -- filling foods. But I'm not an expert.

    Oatmeal has a crazy amount of calories...
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I think we all have a time of day when our worst habits are hardest to resist. For me, it's late afternoons. I'd snack nonstop from about 2:00 PM through dinner if I didn't care about all this fat. What works best for me is to get busy with something else that gets me away from food and keeps my hands busy. Unfortunately, during the work week I'm stuck here at the computer (like now), only 10 steps from the kitchen and bored out of my skull. I tell myself I can wait. Over and over and over, I say to myself "you can wait until dinner; you can wait until dinner .....". Meanwhile, I drink water and try to believe myself.
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    Add chia seeds to the shakes (to up protein), eat some healthy fats like raw, plain avocado 2-3 times a week, and try a week of eating at 1700-2000 everyday.

    My protein shakes are at about 40g at breakfast and 25g each for lunch & midday--that seems like alot to me, maybe I need even more??

    Since I haven't been able to eat at my lower cal levels I AM NOW eating at 1700 to 2000 a day for the past week or so and my weight loss has stalled...