Is this what is known as binging??



  • ok I did, just ignore today and yesterday because I ate a whole pan of brownies :(
    and just said screw it today
    Tomorrow I'll start again...
    First of all, I'm sorry to hear that. However, recovery is key!

    Assuming you live alone, or have some control over the food kept in your house, my suggestion remains to get rid of problem foods. In this case, that means not having any brownie mix in the house.

    If you have frequent access to a grocery store, buying only small amounts of food (in particular, ready-to-eat or easily-made foods) could also help.

    Lastly (and I have not tried this yet, but have been meaning to since hearing about it), "air-popped popcorn" is rumored to be 100 calories per 3 cups. If you (like me) like to eat just for the sake of having something to put in your mouth, this could be a very good option.

    I'm sure I have other suggestions, but this is all I could think of for the moment. Best of luck!
  • No wonder you are hungry... stop drinking most of your meals! Get some real food in there, more vegetables, more protein not in the form of powder.
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