

  • i am tired of paying the high prices of bottled water so i went and bought a brita water filter from walmart, you just have the switch out the filter every 3 months.. It works amazing and takes the chlorine taste out of the water. Its the one you just put into the fridge and fill back up.. hope this helps. it was only like…
  • ohhh thats great!! my engagement ring is super loose on me now as well. i dont know if its the cold weather or what, but it decided all of a sudden it wants to spin on me :( My wedding band has been ordered and its a much smaller size, so im hoping its just the weather, i already had it sized once and they said if i keep…
  • Yes i know all about how blood sugar and high sugars work. I know it is important to stay on target with it, but i do admit some days arent the best for me and they run higher than other days. I do admit that since I have been watching what I put into my body, my blood sugars are so much more stable! So yayyyy for that! I…
  • I read other people saying they burn almost 1000 cals per class, which if you are into it, you will definately burn! How amazing! :)
    in Zumba Comment by nicoleben January 2011
  • ok so i just made these but instead of wontons i used filo dough and OMG.. delicious!!!!
  • I have the zumba dvds and attend a class to get my cardio in. Zumba/ per hour can be from 500-900 calories depending on how much you get into it. etc.. Either way, you still sweat!
    in Zumba Comment by nicoleben January 2011
  • I took my migraine meds which have caffeine in them, and a sedative to relax me.. and it worked.. I drink AT LEAST 8 glasse fo water a day if not more.. and i am at 1200 calories a day.. it is a very drastic change against my 4000 cals (at least) a day.. I have cut out all fast food, fruit juice.. Its day 3 for me, so i…
  • HUNGRY GIRL!!! I love this book!!
  • I think I am going to take my migraine medication for tonight and see if this helps. I know if my body fights through it, the headaches will eventually go away. Thanks for your help!
  • Both!! haha.. I am a type 1 diabetic but my blood sugars are running normal, actually better than they have ever been!..
  • my god that looks amazing, espppecially because nutella and bananas is my favorite snack!! not to add the crunch of the wonton- WOW.. props to u!!
  • I am getting married in october, i have the same goal as you, about 20-25 lbs... Good luck!
  • I am from Scranton, Pennsylvania. If you ever saw the show "the office" yupp, thats where Im from haha.