btayl506 Member


  • I know exactly what you mean! I also have that body type and I often get called a "bean pole" ha... not exactly the best compliment to receive! I also get mistaken for a 15 year old daily and when I tell people I am a freshman they always assume high school.. never college! I think curves are so beautiful but you just have…
  • I totally know what you mean with the college eating habits.... it seems vegetables and fruits are so expensive while u can get an entire TV meal and ramen noodles for so cheap! Best of luck with your weight loss goal :)
    in Hi Comment by btayl506 January 2013
  • Sadly, I know what you mean! While mine never got that bad... (my lowest was 95 pounds) .. I went through a horrible break up which caused me to stop eating... I'm not sure what it was but then I started getting smaller and smaller and thought maybe if I was skinny he would come back to me.. which is where everything…
  • I always used school as an excuse to not workout "oh too much homework.. better study instead" when in reality I knew I was just too lazy! I always had time to watch TV but not work out.. so now, I watch TV at my gym! I love it. That's how I motivated myself, going to the gym during my favorite TV shows and watching them…
  • Awesome goals, mine are the same! Focusing on eating right and exercise :)
  • I am currently about 5 foot 3 inches tall and weigh about 120 my goal is to be back down to 110.... but my main focus is to just gain muscle and be toned! I used to weigh 98 pounds and that was not good, so my goal is to just stay at a healthy weight and add muscle .. and to do it the healthy way this time :)