

  • Try an oil-based cleaner like Cetaphil. It may sound counterintuitive, but when you wash your face with traditional cleansers, you strip your face of essential oils and dry out your skin, which then tries to overcompensate by producing more oil, and you end up with this vicious cycle. At least that was how it was for me.…
  • I try to keep the net calorie intake (eating - working out) around 1200 to 1400. Dance and yoga are really the only two things I've found that I really enjoy enough to commit to. I want to lift more, because the one summer I did it with a friend I dropped weight really fast, but I just don't enjoy it. It's so repetitive…
  • Yoga. Definitely yoga. I love the extra flexibility I get, plus it really helps me slow my brain down. I also like how versatile it is to fit your fitness needs; right now, because I'm getting back into shape after a year of being sedentary, I'm starting out again with mostly beginner poses with a few favorite intermediate…
  • It depends on how much of it you ate. One piece of chicken, a 1/2 cup size of mashed potatoes, and a 1/2 cup size of coleslaw won't set you back too far, if at all, but an entire bucket of each on the other hand might make you regret it later. Try not to worry so much about WHAT you eat on your cheat day and focus more on…