

  • Protein bars are wonderful, especially if you can find ones low in sugar. They usually have anywhere from 8 to 12 grams. I know you don't care much for meat, but Chicken of the Sea Salmon packets are so small, savory, 70 calories and a GREAT way to add in 13 grams of protein without a large serving of meat.
  • Congratulations! Every small success and good feeling is equally as important as your main goal, because those are what keep us strong and motivated and know it's all worth it. Very happy for your success!
  • Lyndsey, you are so right about all addictions being the same. People have told me since I was eleven to just stop eating all the foods that I wasn't that easy. It's taken me 9 years to build up the courage that I need to break my eating habits. I've never eaten healthy for more than 5 days at a time in all…