Hey! Semi-new here..

Hey guys! I made an account on here about two months ago but only used it for a short time. I got off track and went back to my old ways quickly. I couldn't stand doing that to myself anymore, so I'm back and this time dead serious about reaching my goals. I love using this site for tracking food and exercise but I really want to be part of the community now also and make a few friends who I can motivate and who can motivate me. I've been overweight my entire life, so I've never experienced being healthy. I'd love to hear everyone's stories and tips about staying on track, how you feel after you've lost some weight, etc. Hope everyone is doing well. Cheers!


  • Lynschell
    Lynschell Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome back! I've only been apart of MFP for a week! I love it though! This year has brought forth some huge lifestyle changes for me. I've always had a high metabolism until I had a surgery June of Last year. I didn't put weight on quickly but it did come. I started to realize that every time I went to buy new jeans they kept getting bigger. So, I started out thinking I would just work out. Since all my life I had been on the thin side I thought I could still eat the way I wanted and exercise to loose the weight. I WAS SO WRONG!! I decided this was going to take a major change. So I join MFP and started watching what I ate and the portions I ate it in. I have lost 2 lbs since I joined. And I feel better because I'm exercising. During the mix of all of this I made the decision to quit smoking. After fighting those cravings (which I still have from time to time) I have come to the realization that all addictions are the same, whether it be smoking, eating, or caffeine. You have to set your mind to the fact that you want to be healthier and push through. CHANGING ROUTINE has been the most effective thing I've done! I've never been healthy either. I've always been thinner but also anemic with other health problems. I'm trying to nip all of that in the bud! I can use all the support I can get! So add me if you like! ~Lyndsey
  • moonbaby487
    Lyndsey, you are so right about all addictions being the same. People have told me since I was eleven to just stop eating all the foods that I was..it wasn't that easy. It's taken me 9 years to build up the courage that I need to break my eating habits. I've never eaten healthy for more than 5 days at a time in all honesty. However, this is my third week in a row of healthy eating and exercise! I'm pretty excited to lose 6 lbs and am ready to lose more. I'm so happy for you that you're working on cutting out more than just one unhealthy habit. Keep up the good work, we're all in this together and share the same goal..to live a healthier lifestyle. Whether you want to lose 10 lbs or over 100, it's all possible and you'll never run out of support here. If I can give one piece of golden advice for anyone, it's to FORGIVE yourself if you make a not so healthy decision. It's not all or nothing, just brush of the dust and get right back on track. It's so easy to make excuses...but it's even EASIER to forgive a mistake, learn from it, and move on right towards your goal..so long as you don't make a habit out of those mistakes ;] Looking forward to making more and more friends. Best wishes!