

  • Oh how I miss my Texas!!! I currently live in Alabama but I'm FROM Texas:) And yes, the food in Tx rules. My husband and I finally realized this weekend, after 6 years of living here, that we have not really truly enjoyed (as in I can't wait to go back, OMG that was DeLish) any restaurant here.
  • LIpton Green tea packets -- Cold
  • I started with exercise first. While I completely agree that diet is extremely important -- still struggling:) -- exercise provided me with an improved mood and energy level. I just felt so much better at the end of the day when I exericsed, both physically and mentally. Because I had not been exercising, the 20 minutes a…
  • The tall skinny girl at Zumba last night who is surround by beautiful fluffy women and skinny girl remarks about her being fat. Then she tops that off by saying something about being old because she turns 28 next week. She is by far the youngest in class. New stupid, and unhealthy, nutrition rules at my kids school. No…
  • HOLY WOOOOOOWWWWW! Your post has inspired me:) and you have a great figure. Spinning is a great way to burn a boatload of cals in a short while. You might also try varying days -- shorter, more intense (higher heart rate) workouts one day and then longer less intensity workout then next. The stairmill, if your gym has one,…
  • I would love to be your buddy as I am a 41 UGH y/o mom of 3 who has about 40 lbs to lose. BUT, I still haven't figured out how to send a friend request. Yep, I'm a little slow:)
  • Watch "What Not to Wear" and "How Do I Look" . Both shows give great tips but they also address some issues that keep women locked in comfort zones that don't always feel good. This may sound silly, but I would shop for one inexpensive thing (a necklace, pair of earrings, or scarf) that you see that shouts feminine or sexy…
  • Hey -- our story is so similar so maybe we can inspire each other:) Glad you asked about NSV cuz I have been meaning to. I am struggling more with the food part than the exercise part. I really enjoy my workouts and am trying to mix it up a bit too like you described. Just wanted to say welcome and keep us posted. TJ PS…
  • If you have netflix, they have some workouts on there that you can do in the comfort of your own home, without paying any extra. I like the Pilates for Weightloss. Good luck:)
  • I vote "EMBRACE IT". I think we all should try to have more positive head dialogue with ourselves. The things we say (think) to ourselves, we would NEVER say to others. We deserve to be treated well. Just a suggestion . . . when you say/think something negative about your body (esp your legs), stop and find 3 things you…
  • I eat the Pure Protein Peanut Butter and chocolate. They do have 200 calories but you get at least 20 grams of protein, so they stay with you. Snickers has a Honey & Toasted Almond Energy Bar that has only 150 cals & 10 grams of protein & 7 grams of fiber. They do not taste as sweet to me as the Pure Protein but they have…
  • I was using the app on my phone -- then just stopped. Started several days ago to really track. I am excited to really track my info this time and see the changes and improvements. No stopping this time -- gonna follow thru!!!