tomboy needs desperate help.......



  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    Instead of wearing old baggy t-shirts with writing on them, buy solid colored tees fitted for a woman. You'll still be comfortable but will feel more girly.
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    I am a serious tomboy, always have been and always will be. I have found that as I get older I do enjoy the days of being a girl. I do get my nails done and always love that! I also have days where I do hair and makeup so that I feel a little girly. I say do what is comfortable and will boost your own self esteem!
  • tjolley2much
    Watch "What Not to Wear" and "How Do I Look" . Both shows give great tips but they also address some issues that keep women locked in comfort zones that don't always feel good.

    This may sound silly, but I would shop for one inexpensive thing (a necklace, pair of earrings, or scarf) that you see that shouts feminine or sexy to you. Pick something you like, maybe it is whimsical and you haven't let yourself be that. Maybe it is ultra sexy which is a part of you that has been hiding in sweats. Wear that for a bit and admire it, remembering how much you like it and the image it brought to your mind. Then make other small steps like that.

    On a more practical note, Goodwill, thrift stores, consignment shops are a great way to get a cheap wardrobe.

    Go Girl Go!
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    Totally agree with above from Canroadrunner ...stick with what you like and just check the fit. Also get inspiration from people around you. What are they wearing, what appeals to you?
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    a little bit of bronzer and lip gloss will go a long way and takes 0 time :) There is nothing wrong with a tomboy if you do it with style... Yoga pants are part of my everyday because i'm always on the go with my little man..
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    I'm not going to be much help, I just have a question. Why do you want to change? I know you said it's for you, but what are your reasons? I am a tomboy and I never want to change! I love being a tomboy...jeans and a tank top, flip flops, hair in a ponytail or down...the most make-up I wear is eyeliner and maybe some mascara...

    my two cents on advice though? Don't go so far to be a fake tan, super teased/poofed hair (I guess it's called a snooki? I have no idea what that means haha)

    now don't get me wrong, I do dress up for a night out! nice pants and a sexy shirt...I rarely wear dresses or skirts...not my style plus I'm not yet skinny enough maybe start with that? Dress up for a night on the town? Have a date night with your man?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Instead of wearing old baggy t-shirts with writing on them, buy solid colored tees fitted for a woman. You'll still be comfortable but will feel more girly.

    I agree completely! I wear shirts like this all the time:

    Sometimes they're on sale for 2 for 5 bucks. You can't beat that! You can wear them plain with jeans, with shorts, with cardigans...the opportunities are endless.
  • sailorsiren13
    you can do some nice things on a budget and sales ladies are usually helpful. I was a tomboy and in the Navy for 4 years so i get what your trying to do. I also made some great friends with girly girls and they were helpful as well...You can get free make overs from the ladies at makeup counters and then try to get the counterparts from the wal-mart after you get the makeup tips :tongue: if you need anything else you can add me i have a teen so i'm always trying to be thrifty and fashionable!!
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    ACCESSORIZE :happy: A cheap stylish pair of sunglasses. I found some awesome ones at the dollar store! A couple little necklaces and a couple earrings can also be found there. Some mascara and lip gloss in you glove box is a wonderful last minute pick me up (but not when you are driving)
    When I take my kids to the park I don't doll myself up. I do put a small set of silver hoops in, some lip color and mascara. My hair is just pulled back in a pony or messy bun or left down in natural waves. Sometimes I'll put a headband in for another accessory. I just were tennis shoes and jeans with a zip up hoodie black, so it doesn't show kids goop and dirt. Plus has a nice slimming factor!
    I wear glasses my daughter is at the pully pully bitey bitey stage so no can do with list of tis

    I am not trying to be snarky so please don`t take it that way but you asked for some help and advice...the word "can`t" needs to be forgotten.
    You can do this for yourself and how you want to feel about yourself.
    Believe me,you really can. :flowerforyou:

    I agree 100%.

    You can do this . Small steps. Just look around at first and get a taste for things you like. Then buy one thing even if its a headband, a necklace or a blouse. Then as you feel comfortable but another and another. :wink:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I am a reforming tomboy at 45 years old. Once I lost weight and started getting compliments, it made me want to look more girly. Used to be I only wore makeup for work and scrubbed it off at the first chance I got. I'd stay in sweats and sweatshirts or Ts and shorts depending on the weather, except when I had to work, and even then, I dressed way down.

    I think the thing that opened my eyes was when I was headed to the lake for the weekend. I had packed up the car and the dogs and made sure to scrub my face to get rid of my makeup. I stopped at the local store up there to buy worms for fishing (see? I really am a tomboy and I love to fish!). My husband was about an hour behind me and he stopped at the store to buy worms, too because he wasn't sure if would stop (won't if it's hot and the dogs are in the car). He asked if they had seen me and they said "oh, the blonde lady with all the dogs and no makeup?".

    I thought that if total strangers noticed my no makeup status, it wasn't a good thing. So I started wearing makeup more. Then I lost more weight and my clothes started fitting me and looking really good on me, so I went shopping and bought more clothes and I get all sorts of compliments on my clothes. Now I dress stylishly for work and dress nicely on the weekends instead of wearing sweats and sweatshirts. It's actually helped my self confidence, too.

    Look at catalogs, like Coldwater Creek to get ideas of what looks nice and then shop Old Navy for the clothes.
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    Honestly... I say just be you. Screw trying to be a girly girl if that's not your nature... you'll just feel like you're conforming to society, shaving off a piece of yourself to fit into the societal puzzle. Do what's comfortable for you hun, if you think you look good in your style, then that's all that matters in my opinion!

    Always remember, you're BeYOUtiful :).
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    I would go to a good hair stylist and see if they can give you a very easy, quick hair style that you can do yourself Also lipgloss and mascara go a long way. As for clothes- still be comfortable but like others say get clothes that fit. You want to be comfortable so I wouldn't go overboard.
  • alapoint89
    Watch "What Not to Wear" and "How Do I Look" . Both shows give great tips but they also address some issues that keep women locked in comfort zones that don't always feel good.

    This may sound silly, but I would shop for one inexpensive thing (a necklace, pair of earrings, or scarf) that you see that shouts feminine or sexy to you. Pick something you like, maybe it is whimsical and you haven't let yourself be that. Maybe it is ultra sexy which is a part of you that has been hiding in sweats. Wear that for a bit and admire it, remembering how much you like it and the image it brought to your mind. Then make other small steps like that.

    On a more practical note, Goodwill, thrift stores, consignment shops are a great way to get a cheap wardrobe.

    Go Girl Go!
    No cable lol but I have the idea
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    I am a diehard tomboy and even girl.

    I am working on becoming girly to.

    Play with makeup, just a little bit goes a long way. I wear mascara and eyeliner everyday even if I just put a ponytail in.

    I also have finally stop biting my nails. I get manicures and my nails look pretty.

    I have long hair and actually do it everyday.

    I stopped wearing baggie clothes all the time also. I wear heels and boots now.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    when i googled "girly girl" this is what i got...


    so the obvious is... dye your hair blonde and drop your iq. oh and wear pink!
  • alapoint89
    The reason I'm wanting to change is because I just want to
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    To me, being girly is about being confident and having fun. You can be girly and watch the football game. If you're going to the park or the grocery store, heels and a dress aren't sensible. Save those for date night (special occassions). I would suggest starting with little things (e.g. a little make-up, a cute top w/ your jeans, paint your toe nails, etc...). As you become more comfortable w/ yourself and expressing yourself in a girly way, being girly will become easier. When you dress it up, be ready to graciously accept compliments.
  • Stylistntenn
    Girly girl, to me, is somewhat about how you feel on the inside. I am a girly girl even though alot of times I wear a tshirt. I do not like getting dirty outside. I don't like hunting or anything like that, etc. I like watching makeover shows and the E! channel! :) But when I really want to feel girly- like if I'm going out... I will put on a big pair of earrings, polish my nails, wear super cute shoes, jeans that make me feel confident, REALLY style my hair with a curling iron, and put on makeup with eyeliner and eyeshadow. :) It's how it all comes together to me. You can't just have one and appear to look girly. I've seen plenty of tomboys wear earrings but still not look girly.. One way to boost yourself and make you feel more feminine- go get a haircut/style or a pedicure!! You will feel so good! Good luck. 14076513.png
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  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    The quickest, easiest, cheapest way for me to feel girly is to paint my toenails. Especially with being at home all the time, it's so easy to just run around the house barefoot, and whenever I look down, I feel girly. Right now, they are purple and will remain so through my son's basketball season. GO PANTHERS!!