Chubby-legged girl

Hi y'all!

I've always been more overweight in my hips and legs. So far I've lost 47 pounds and now I'm only 25 pounds away from goal. The thing is that I'm very scared of ending up having chubby legs when I reach my goal. I can't deny the fact that I've seen changes in them but I'm still worried. I go to the gym everyday (work on my legs once a week and do spinning twice a week) and I keep looking at myself in the mirrors there and wonder if I'm ever going to see my legs not being chubby. I just wish I could buy high boots or wear shorts; but honestly, I just wanna feel comfortable with my legs. I'm so worried. I need some help to deal with this.


  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Legs exercises are great for tightening up. You can try dancing too. Zumba and stuff. When I was a dancer I had killer legs.
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    You need to ask a good friend who will give you an honest answer. Most of us do not see ourselves normally. We have been heavy for so long and/or had this ideal in our head about what we *should* look like skinny that when we get close we just do not see our progress.

    I've lost 35lbs, my jeans are falling off of me andI have gone down almost three clothing sizes....but when I look in the mirror I still see my faults. I still have a lot more weight to lose and hope that as I get closer to goal I will see what other people are already seeing.

    When you get to your goal you may not have matchstick legs; but I doubt they will be chubby and I bet if you think they do look that way it is because you still have to get used to seeing the new you.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    The flab on my legs was the last to go, but it did go, in the end.
    In the meantime, try DUO Boots ( they have a great range of high boots that will fit your legs.
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    I was once the athletic type and so I feel I am doomed with thick thighs for eternity! That being said, I have lost almost 20 lbs and at least 2 inches on my thighs but they are still big. You may just need to embrace it!
  • tjolley2much
    I vote "EMBRACE IT". I think we all should try to have more positive head dialogue with ourselves. The things we say (think) to ourselves, we would NEVER say to others. We deserve to be treated well.

    Just a suggestion . . . when you say/think something negative about your body (esp your legs), stop and find 3 things you like about your body. Don't focus on aesthetics only. Looks are important but so is strength and health.

    If you want to sculpt those strong legs of yours, you may try the stair mill which provides a great cardio workout while really working the legs and butt:)

    Good luck from another "strong legged" girl.
  • tati85cr
    tati85cr Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all! I appreciate your comments! This just isn't an easy topic for me to handle. I'm 26 yrs old and I've had this weight problem since I was like 9 or 10. All the jokes about my weight and my legs have always been there. So it's pretty hard. I'm trying my best to improve when it comes to this issue, but sometimes it really brings me down. But thanks again for all your comments. I will have them all on mind! :smile: